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Declaration of “International Wetland City”and Wetland Environmentally Friendly Behavior:an Empirical Study Based on Huai’an(PDF)


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Declaration of “International Wetland City”and Wetland Environmentally Friendly Behavior:an Empirical Study Based on Huai’an
Chen Yan1An Lijie2Chen Hong1Feng Chao3
(1.Huaiyin Normal University,Huaian 223300,China)(2.Woosuk University,Joenju 55338,South Korea)(3.School of Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China)
International Wetland Citypro-environmental behaviorwetland protectionpolicy recommendationsHuai’an
“International Wetland City”,has been the world-class green city business card favored by various countries and regions around the world. Based on the background of Huai’an’s positive declaration of “International Wetland City”and urban residents as survey samples,this paper measures and uates their attitude to participate in the declaration of “International Wetland City”and their behavior of wetland pro-environmental behavior,trying to reveal people’s willingness to participate in and support the government’s advocacy,as well as the concept of sustainable development and awareness of ecological environmental protection. Based on the sample data of 300 urban residents in Huai’an City,the analysis results show that the attitude of residents to participate in the declaration of “International Wetland City”and the behavior of wetland pro-environmental behavior are in the upper middle(stronger)level,Among them,residents’ attitude towards participating in the declaration of “International Wetland City”includes three dimensions,declaration motivation,declaration opportunity and declaration ability. Wetland pro-environmental behavior includes wetland environment maintenance behavior and wetland environment-promotion behavior. At the same time,the three dimensions of residents’ participation in the declaration of “International Wetland City”and the two types of wetland pro-environment behavior are basically positively correlated,which shows that they have mutually promoting effects. Based on the research conclusions,this paper puts forward specific policy recommendations to help relevant government departments to declare“International Wetland City”,and guide urban residents to improve the concept of environmental protection,so as to realize the benign interaction and sustainable development of city image,wetland ecology and resident tourism.


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