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Research on the Impact of Multidimension Proximity on the Innovation of Jingyang Fu Tea Industrial Cluster in Shaanxi Province(PDF)


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Research on the Impact of Multidimension Proximity on the Innovation of Jingyang Fu Tea Industrial Cluster in Shaanxi Province
Zhang Hua1Sun Peng12
(1.School of Tourism & Research Institute of Human Geography,Xi’an International Studies University,Xi’an 710128,China)(2.Shaanxi Tourism Research Institute,Xi’an International Studies University,Xi’an 710128,China)
multidimensional proximityagricultural industrial clusterinnovationJingyang Fu Tea in Shaanxi
F426.82 F273.1 K902
Based on the proximity theory proposed by Boschma,taking Jingyang Fu Tea industry in Shaanxi as an example,combining with field research data,this paper used ArcGIS space analysis,IBM SPSS22.0 descriptive statistical analysis,social network analysis and constructed multivariate linear regression model to explore the adjacent characteristics of Fu Tea industry cluster and its influence on the innovation of industrial cluster. The results show that social proximity has the most significant impact on the innovation of Jingyang Fu Tea industrial cluster in Shaanxi,which plays an obvious positive role in promoting the formation of innovation atmosphere in the cluster and improving the diffusion and circulation of new knowledge and technology within the industrial cluster. Cognitive and institutional proximity have a positive influence on the innovation of Jingyang Fu Tea industrial cluster in Shaanxi. The influence effect is higher than geographical proximity,but weaker than social proximity.However,geographical proximity has no significant effect on the innovation of Jingyang Fu Tea industrial cluster in Shaanxi. Excessive geographical proximity leads to a certain degree of “path locking”of enterprises,which has a negative impact on the innovation and development of industrial clusters.


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