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Research on Fat Indicators of Tibetan-Burman Adults(PDF)


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Research on Fat Indicators of Tibetan-Burman Adults
Liu XinXiang XiaoxueYu KeliChen JieZheng LianbinZhang Xinghua
(School of Life Sciences,Tianjin Key Laboratory of Conservation and Utilization of Animal Diversity,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387,China)
Tibeto-Burmanfat indicatorbioelectrical impedance analysispercentage of body fatvisceral fat level
The development of body fat is of great significance to human health and other aspects. In this study,the bioelectrical impedance analysis was used to measure and statistically analyze the body fat percentage of 11000 adults(4 778 males and 6 222 females)of 17 Tibetan-Burman ethnic groups,including 8 fat indicator values,and compare them with 7 ethnic groups in China. The results show that among the 17 ethnic groups of Tibeto-Burman,Tibetan and Qiang have higher percentages of body fat,while Yi and Lahu have lower percentages of body fat; the percentages of body fat of the Tibetan-Burman males and females are both at normal level,and BMIs are similar and both at overweight level; the various percentages of body fat of Tibetan-Burman males are lower than those of females,but the visceral fat level is higher than that of females and slightly exceeds the standard; as age increases,the percentage of body fat,percentage of trunk fat and visceral fat level of Tibetan-Burman males and females show an increasing trend; the level of fat development of Tibetan-Burman adults is relatively closer to that of ethnic groups in southern China,and most of the fat indicator values are higher than other ethnic groups in southern China. This study can help Tibetan-Burman ethnic groups understand their own body fat changes and provide basic data for the study of the body composition of Chinese minority nationalities.


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Last Update: 2022-09-15