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Construction of the Relationship Model Between the Quality,Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth Communication of Fitness Service Purchased by the Government(PDF)


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Construction of the Relationship Model Between the Quality,Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth Communication of Fitness Service Purchased by the Government
Xia JunbiaoShi Shusheng
(School of Sport Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
fitness service qualitysatisfactionword of mouth communication
By using the methods of qualitative research as literature review and in-depth interview,and by analyzing the factors affecting fitness service quality,this paper proposes that the quality of fitness service consists of the quality of interaction between employees and customers,the quality of environment and the quality of results,and then constructs a conceptual model with service quality as the leading variable,fitness satisfaction as the intermediary variable and word-of-mouth communication as the result variable. Quantitative research methods such as questionnaire survey and structural equation model are used to verify the internal relationship between the three variables. The results show that fitness satisfaction is an important factor affecting word-of-mouth communication; employee-customer interaction quality indirectly affects word-of-mouth communication with satisfaction as the intermediary,but has no direct impact; environmental quality has both direct and indirect impact on word-of-mouth communication; results quality has neither direct nor indirect impact on word-of-mouth communication. Based on the above functional mechanism,this paper puts forward relevant policy recommendations.


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Last Update: 2022-12-15