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Physical Characteristics of Four Nationalities in Northwest China(PDF)


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Physical Characteristics of Four Nationalities in Northwest China
Sun Siyu1Li Yonglan123Yu Huixin2Zheng Lianbin4
(1.College of Life Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot010022,China)
(2.College of Ethnology and Anthropology,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot010022,China)
(3.Key Laboratory of Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization for College and University of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Hohhot010022,China)
(4.College of Life Sciences,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin Key Laboratory of Conservation and Utilization of Animal Diversity......)
Northwest China body characteristics anthropometry Dongxiang Baoan Hui Tibetan
To study the physical characteristics of 4 nationalities in Northwest China. The physical fitness data of 839 Dongxiang, 450 Bonan, 824 Hui and 410 Tibetan adults were measured by anthropometric method. Comparisons were made with 15 other ethnic groups. The average height of male and female of Dongxiang nationality, Bonan nationality and Linxia Hui nationality belongs to medium type, the average height of male and female of Gannan Tibetan nationality belongs to super medium type, and the average height of female belongs to medium type. Dongxiang nationality, Bonan nationality and Hui nationality have similar physical characteristics, but they differ greatly from Tibetan nationality. Among 19 ethnic groups, Dongxiang, Bonan and Hui are lighter in weight, shorter in height, smaller in hip girth and chest girth, while Gannan Tibetan is heavier in weight, taller in height, larger in hip girth and chest girth. The PC ⅱ values of the 4 ethnic groups were all larger, that was, the shoulder width and pelvic width values of the 4 ethnic groups were larger.


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Last Update: 2023-06-15