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Construction and Integration of Ideological and Political Elements in “Marine Geography” for Geography Major(PDF)


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Construction and Integration of Ideological and Political Elements in “Marine Geography” for Geography Major
Chen BinTeng LiXiao FuanYang Muzhuang
(School of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou,510006,China)
curriculum-based ideological and political educationMarine Geographycase constructionpedagogical application
As an important course for the specialty of geographical science, Marine Geography is a course focused on the subject fields of ocean and geography. By carrying out curriculum-based ideological and political education, all the ideological and political elements should be integrated and reflected by courses other than the course of ideological and political education itself, so as to fully achieve the purpose of ideological and political education. Integrating the ideological and political elements of the curriculum into Marine Geography course is mainly to conduct a profound and deep exploration into the ideological and political elements of the curriculum from the following perspectives, including marine research progress, national marine strategy, marine security, marine resources development, marine technology research and development, and marine development process related to marine geography. Meanwhile, the ideological and political elements obtained from the aforementioned process should be reasonably and seamlessly integrated into teaching, so as to cultivate students' awareness in terms of their patriotic feelings, social responsibility, scientific spirit, professional ethics, history and culture of China. Based on such a model, an all-round and multi-level teaching goal could be successfully achieved in the aspects of the knowledge, skills, thinking power, as well as character. This paper, with Marine Geography course used as the case, aims at demonstrating how to explore the ideological and political elements in each teaching step of the course, and how to suitably integrate them into the course, so as to cultivate students' scientific research spirit, establish ideal beliefs, and achieve the goal of ideological and political education.


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Last Update: 2023-09-25