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Academic Culture Inheritance and Paradigm Shift Under the Perspective of the “Geomorphology” Course of Lanzhou University(PDF)


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Academic Culture Inheritance and Paradigm Shift Under the Perspective of the “Geomorphology” Course of Lanzhou University
Gao Hongshan12Li Qiong12Cao Bo12Geng Haopeng12Hu Xiaofei12
(1.Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems(Ministry of Education),College of Earth and Environmental Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)
(2.Shiyang River Basin Scientific Observing Station of Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730000,China)
academic genealogycultural inheritanceparadigm shiftGeomorphology
Discipline culture is the regulative principle and value belief formed gradually in the process of discipline emergence and development, and it is also the core, soul and spiritual connotation of discipline construction. This paper briefly reviews the history of the establishment and development of modern geology, geography and geomorphology in the 19th century, sorts out the lineage of inheritance between the founders and leaders of the discipline, and expounds the enlightenment and development of geomorphology in China by the American Davis School and the German Lichhofen School in the early 20th century. Influenced by quantification, system theory and information technology, the research paradigm of geomorphology in the second half of the 20th century also changed from evolution to process. Taking discipline development as the main line, this paper probes into the scientific problems and regulative principles that have always been concerned by the academic community, with a view to serving the discipline construction and curriculum construction in the new era.


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Last Update: 2023-09-25