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Exploration of Ideological and Political Education in the “Earth Science System”(PDF)


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Exploration of Ideological and Political Education in the “Earth Science System”
Xiao Ping1Han Fei2You Wei3Zhang Yuhui4Yu Jia15Wang Jintao1Ye Dan1
(1.School of Teacher Education,Yuxi Normal University,Yuxi653100,China)
(2.School of Earth Science,Yunnan University,Kunming650500,China)
(3.School of Information Technology,Renmin University,Beijing100083,China)
(4.School of Chemistry,Biology and Environment,Yuxi Normal University,Yuxi653100,China)
(5.Faculty of Education,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming650500,China)
Earth System Sciencecurriculum ideology and politicsSTEAM educationOBE concept
The integration of ideological and political theory into university professional courses is an important part to implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education, and its implementation needs to be student-centered and integrate ideological and political elements into the whole process of professional curriculum education and teaching. Earth System Science is an interdisciplinary discipline that studies the earth as a whole system. To ensure the ideological and political theory runs through the whole process of teaching, professional courses of Earth System Science should pay attention to interdisciplinary integration and integrate ideological and political elements, not only adhering to knowledge transmission and talent training, but also running ideological and political education throughout. As a practice-oriented and interdisciplinary educational concept, STEAM education provides new perspective and way for ideological and political education to integrate earth system science, and can better integrate professional knowledge transfer and value guidance. In addition, applying the OBE concept to the evaluation system of Earth System Science curriculum ideology and politics is conducive to testing its implementation effect, and also helps to achieve the knowledge goals and skill objectives of the courses.


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Last Update: 2023-09-25