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Study on Road Speed Limit Identification Taking into Account High and Low Speed Information(PDF)


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Study on Road Speed Limit Identification Taking into Account High and Low Speed Information
Zhang Caili1Xiang Longgang2Li Yali3
(1.School of Surveying and Urban Spatial Information,Henan University of Urban Construction,Pingdingshan 467000,China)
(2.State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying,Mapping and Remote Sensing,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079,China)
(3.School of Transportation and Geomatics Engineering,Shenyang Jianzhu University,Shenyang 110000,China)
vehicle trajectoriesroad network informationadjacent sectionshigh and low speed informationroad speed limit identification
With the demand of emerging industries for map detail richness and element completeness,it is a general trend to carry out research on the construction of fine navigable road networks. However,road information mining based on trajectory data focuses more on the identification of road network skeletons and less on the identification of road speed limit information. Considering the difference between the trajectory running speed distribution of the low speed and high speed sections,this paper models the high speed and low speed sections separately based on the trajectory data,and carries out the speed limit identification optimization of the trajectory data. Then on this basis,the speed limit identification results based on road network are fused to complete the identification of speed limit information. Experiments are carried out taking the Second Ring Road area of Wuhan City and Chengdu City as examples to verify the effectiveness of the method. Experimental results show that:(1)the separate modeling of high and low speed information significantly improves the speed limit recognition accuracy based on trajectories;(2)the integration of speed limit recognition optimization results based on trajectories with speed limit recognition results based on road network also further improves the speed limit recognition results.


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Last Update: 2024-12-15