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Research on the Comparison and Optimization of Tourism Image Perceptions Before and After the Successful World Heritage Inscription of Yancheng Yellow Sea Wetlands:Based on the Data Mining Perspective(PDF)


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Research on the Comparison and Optimization of Tourism Image Perceptions Before and After the Successful World Heritage Inscription of Yancheng Yellow Sea Wetlands:Based on the Data Mining Perspective
Xu Min1Xiao Yunlei1Zhang Chen2
(1.School of Humanities,Jinling Institute of Technology,Nanjing 210038,China)
(2.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
data miningWorld Heritage Sitebefore and after the successful world heritage inscriptiontourism destination imageYellow Sea Wetlands
This paper takes Yancheng Yellow Sea Wetlands,a World Natural Heritage Site,as a case study and utilizes Python to scrape travelogue data from leading tourism websites such as Ctrip,Qunar,and Mafengwo. Using the successful world heritage inscription as a demarcation point,a database of tourism image perceptions before and after the inscription is established from the tourists' perspective. Based on this,the "cognitive-emotional" model is applied. By extracting the key elements of tourists' perception differences and identifying the tourism image,the paper reveals the regular characteristics of the tourism image perception differences of Yancheng Yellow Sea Wetlands before and after its inscription and proposes optimization measures and development suggestions.


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Last Update: 2025-02-15