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Research on the Willingness and Influencing Factors of College Students' Extracurricular Physical Exercise from the Perspective of Planned Behavior Theory of Planned Behavior(PDF)


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Research on the Willingness and Influencing Factors of College Students' Extracurricular Physical Exercise from the Perspective of Planned Behavior Theory of Planned Behavior
Xia JunbiaoShi Shusheng
(School of Sport Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
theory of planned behaviorextracurricular physical exercisewillingness to exercisecollege students
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior as the analytical framework,a structural equation model was constructed with cognitive attitude as the antecedent variable,emotional attitude,perceived behavioral control,and subjective norms as mediating variables,and extracurricular physical exercise intention as the outcome variable. Through methods such as in-depth interviews,questionnaires,and structural equation modeling,the study examined the influence paths of subjective norms,perceived behavioral control,cognitive attitude,and emotional attitude on college students' intentions to participate in extracurricular physical exercise. The results showed that cognitive attitude had a significant positive impact on emotional attitude,perceived behavioral control,subjective norms,and exercise intention. Additionally,it indirectly influenced exercise intention through emotional attitude and perceived behavioral control as mediators. However,subjective norms did not have a significant impact on college students' intentions to participate in extracurricular physical exercise.


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Last Update: 2025-02-15