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Study of the Status and Adjustment Measures of Fish Resourcesin the Zhushan Bay Buffer Zones of Taihu Lake(PDF)


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Study of the Status and Adjustment Measures of Fish Resourcesin the Zhushan Bay Buffer Zones of Taihu Lake
Xian Yi123Ye Chun1Li Chunhua1Wang Yanhua2Lü Meiting1
(1.Centre of Lake Engineering & Technology,State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Beijing 100012,China)(2.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 21
Zhushan Baylake buffer zonewetland ecosystemfish resourcebio-diversity
To understand the fish resource condition of wetlands in the area of lake buffer zones of the Zhushan Bay,this paper surveyed the fish resources in the Zhushan wetland system during the summer of 2015,and analyzed the fish biodiversity index and related indexes of the biological populations. Results show that:(1)20 species of fish were collected in the current survey area;(2)Species of wild fish in fish communities are dominant,while those of economical fish are less;(3)Fish in the water are natural development. There is no history of stocking and mainly 0+age on age structure. For the trophic structure,omnivorous fish are the main species,followed by the carnivorous fish and vegetarian fish populations. The value of Margalef richness index R,Shannon-Wiener index H’ and H″,Pielou evenness index J’ and J″ is 2.398,2.289,2.236,0.764 and 0.746,respectively. Results indicate that present wetland system is still undergoing succession. The fish stocks reached high biological diversity and enhanced the complexity of the food web,which also adapted to the growth of aquatic plants.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31