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Research on Development Disparity and Spatial Association Patternof Economy at County Level in Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Research on Development Disparity and Spatial Association Patternof Economy at County Level in Jiangsu Province
Zhang RongtianLu Jianfei
Research Institute of Central Jiangsu Development,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China
county economydevelopment differenceassociation patternJiangsu
Taking the county as the research basic dimensions,the paper built the synthetic evaluation system of county economy development; through entropy TOPSIS model and difference of development index,the paper analyzed county economy development level and the differences in Jiangsu province from 1990 to 2014; and based on the spatial autocorrelation analysis model,the paper revealed spatial association types and evolution characteristics of county economy development. The results show that:county economy development have showed the rise since 1990s,but county economy development difference was significant; the overall development level:the south of Jiangsu>the middle of Jiangsu>the north of Jiangsu. The diffuse pattern was distributed in Suzhou and Wuxi counties; polarization pattern was distributed in Nanjing,Huaian,Lianyungang and Xuzhou downtowns; infection pattern was distributed in most of counties in the northern part of Jiangsu; and sinking pattern was distributed in Yangzhou,Taizhou and Nantong counties.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31