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Construction of Smart Tourism Framework of Scenic SpotBased on the Demand of Stakeholder(PDF)


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Construction of Smart Tourism Framework of Scenic SpotBased on the Demand of Stakeholder
Ruan Lixin
Continuing Education College,Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hospitality,Nanjing 211100,China
stakeholdersinterest demandsscenic spotsmart tourism
Based on the stakeholder theory,this paper uses questionnaires and statistical analysis to define the core stakeholders from many stakeholders of smart scenic spot,including tourists,the scenic area managers,tourism enterprises,tourism authorities and community residents. The systematic study,about core stakeholders interest demands in smart scenic spot,finds that visitors are most concerned scenic service; the scenic area managers pay more attention to the convenient and efficient management of scenic spots; tourism enterprises concern about corporate profits; tourism authorities mainly consider how to provide better supervision and management of public services,and community residents concern about their level of participation. Finally,the paper attempt to build a smart tourism framework of scenic spot which is oriented by core stakeholders demands based on the results. There are some theoretical guidance and practical reference for the construction of smart scenics.


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Last Update: 2017-09-30