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Observation of Embryonic Development of Freshwater Adapted Barbus capito(PDF)


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Observation of Embryonic Development of Freshwater Adapted Barbus capito
Qin BaoliLin YuhuaDing Chenlong
Suqian Institute of Agricultural Sciences,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Suqian 223800,China
Barbus capitoembryonic developmentunfertilized egg
The fertilized eggs of Barbus capito were obtained by artificial insemination,and the morphological characteristic of embryonic development was observed in detail under the water temperature of 23 ℃ to 26 ℃. The results showed that the fertilized eggs were floating eggs(semi floating eggs),and the average egg diameter was(1.55±0.1)mm. After absorbing water,the egg membrane was enlarged,and the diameter reached(4.3±0.2)mm. It took 47 h 29 min from fertilization to hatching-out with the average accumulative temperature of 1 081 ℃ to 1 222 ℃·h. The cleavage of fertilized eggs of B.capito was discoidal cleavage,like other cyprinid fishes. According to the morphological characteristics in all stages of the embryonic development process,it could be divided into 6 stages,including the uplift of blastoderm stage,cleavage stage,blastula stage,gastrula stage,neurula stage to tail-bud stage and embryonic twisting stage to hatching stage,and 22 developing phases. After entering the water,the unfertilized eggs absorbed water and swelled. Then,protoplasm centralized and formed“blastoderm”,but no such as the 2 cell cleavage phenomenon. When the protuberance or blastomere of the unfertilized egg were leaving in succession,the“blastoderm”would form a“false blastocyst”like the fertilized egg in the late blastula stage. The results served the important guidance for artificial breeding and calculating fertility rate of B.capito.


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Last Update: 2017-12-30