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Analysis of Spatial Linkage Pattern Changes of Urban Agglomeration in theMiddle Reaches of the Yangtze River Based on the Railway Network(PDF)


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Analysis of Spatial Linkage Pattern Changes of Urban Agglomeration in theMiddle Reaches of the Yangtze River Based on the Railway Network
Xu ChenluZhong Yexi
School of Geography and Environment,Jiangxi Institute of Economic Development,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022,China
railway passenger transportaccessibility patternspatial contact patternthe middle reaches of Yangtze River city group
According to the data of railway passenger transport,this paper analyzes the changes of the travel time,cost,connection sites and the train number in urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of Yangtze River. The results show that(1)The railway passenger development level is not balanced among three provincial capital cities of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of Yangtze River;(2)The train number on behalf of the optional,Wuhan>Changsha>Nanchang;(3)Train structure,especially high speed railway impacts on the average cost of the railway;(4)The degree of contact with the hub city,Wuhan linked the most closely with Zhengzhou and Guangzhou,Changsha linked the most closely with Guangzhou and Wuhan,Wuhan is Nanchang’s most closely linked hub city,Nanchang’s second close hub city changed from Beijing to Shanghai;(5)The interconnection of three provincial capital cities of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of Yangtze River,Wuhan and Changsha have the most closely interconnection,followed by the interconnection between Wuhan and Nanchang,Nanchang and Changsha’s is relatively minimal. In general,the interconnection of three provincial capital cities of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of Yangtze River is more and more closely as well as the scope is gradually expanding.


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Last Update: 2017-12-30