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Evaluation of the Spatial Inequity of Public Service Leveland its Influencing Factors in Zhejiang Province(PDF)


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Evaluation of the Spatial Inequity of Public Service Leveland its Influencing Factors in Zhejiang Province
Wang Yi1Jin Cheng2Zhu Yingming1Lu Yuqi2Ma Yingyi3Ding Zhengshan2
(1.School of Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)(2.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(3.School of Architectural Engineering,Jinling Institute of Technology,Nanjing
public servicecomprehensive levelspatial inequityaccessibilityinfluencing factorZhejiang Province
In this paper,the spatial accessibility to six types of public service facilities in Zhejiang Province were measured,and the driving factors of their spatial inequity were analyzed by combining least cost path analysis,geostatistical analysis and multiple linear regression model based on the first geographical conditions survey data. The results showed that the comprehensive accessibility to the public service facilities in Zhejiang Province was relative high on the whole,while the spatial inequity in access to facilities was quite obvious. In general,the comprehensive accessibility of public service facilities gradually decreased from east to west and from north to south. Besides,there was significant characteristics of spatial concentration in the distribution of the comprehensive accessibility. The areas with the highest and higher accessibility were mainly distributed in the northeast regions. The areas with the lowest and lower accessibility tend to be agglomerated in mountainous areas and provincial border-regions in the central and western regions in Zhejiang Province. Moreover,there was a strong correlation between the comprehensive accessibility of public service facilities and the spatial distribution of population,and most of population was distributed in areas with a high public service comprehensive accessibility. The regional terrain difference played a primary role in the spatial pattern of the comprehensive accessibility of public service facilities in Zhejiang Province. The demand for services based on population size and the income level had a driving effect on the spatial variation of the comprehensive accessibility. In addition,the input level and supply capacity of the public service also affected the development of the public service facilities. At last,policy and institutional factors,represented by the ability of regional investment and public service spending,also induce spatial imbalances in public service levels. From the perspective of spatial accessibility,this study explored the spatial inequity characteristics of the regional public service and its relationship with the population distribution. It can provide a reference for improving the regional social equity in different areas.


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Last Update: 2019-03-30