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Attention-Guided Multimodal Cardiac Segmentation(PDF)


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Attention-Guided Multimodal Cardiac Segmentation
Yang Wanqi1Zhou Ziqi1Guo Xinna1
School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
attentionmultimodal cardiac segmentationsemi-siamese networkcross-modal image generation
With the goal of leveraging the modal-shareable and modal-specific information during cross-modal segmentation,we propose a novel cross-modal attention-guided semi-Siamese network for joint cardiac segmentation from MR and CT images. In particular,we first employed the cycle-consistency generative adversarial networks to complete the bidirectional image generation(i.e.,MR to CT,CT to MR)to help reduce the modal-level inconsistency. Then,with the generated and original MR and CT images,a novel semi-Siamese network is utilized where 1)two encoders learn modal-specific features separately and 2)a common decoder makes full use of modal-shareable information from different modalities for a final consistent segmentation. Also,we implement the cross-modal attention to incorporate these shareable and specific information,and our model can be trained in an end-to-end manner. With extensive evaluation on the unpaired CT and MR cardiac images,our method outperforms the baselines in terms of the segmentation performance.


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Last Update: 2019-09-30