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Mining and Decision-Making of Breast Cancer MedicalRecord Text Based on Decision Tree(PDF)


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Mining and Decision-Making of Breast Cancer MedicalRecord Text Based on Decision Tree
Gong Lejun1Zhang Lipeng1Li Yuxi1Wu Xianghui1Gao Zhihong2Pan Chuandi2Yang Geng1
(1.Jiangsu Key Lab of Big Data Security & Intelligent Processing,School of Computer Science,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Zhejiang Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Medicine,Wenzhou 325035,China)
breast cancernatural language processingdecision treetext miningNeo4j
Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in women,which seriously threatens the health of women worldwide. Clinical medical records carry the diagnostic information from experienced doctors. Mining these records could receive breast cancer-related conditions. This paper presents a method using data mining algorithm-Decision Tree to process medical records,to obtain breast cancer disease-related information via text processing. We conduct TNM and clinical cancer staging decisions for breast cancer and validate decision results. At the same time,we also combine the Neo4j-map database to establish breast cancer TNM-clinical staging knowledge map. The example shows that this method could obtain TNM and clinical cancer grading conditions for breast cancer. It indicates that the presented method is expected to be used to assist doctors in making decisions.


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Last Update: 2019-09-30