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Study on the Magnetization Field Induced by Tightly Focused CylindricalSymmetric Vector Vortex Light in a Uniaxial Crystal(PDF)


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Study on the Magnetization Field Induced by Tightly Focused CylindricalSymmetric Vector Vortex Light in a Uniaxial Crystal
Zhang HengwenWang RuiboCao ChongyangZhu Zhuqing
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
inverse Faraday effectuniaxial crystalvector vortex beamtightly focused
Based on the vector diffraction theory and inverse Faraday effect,we detailedly studied the distribution of magnetization fields induced by tightly focused cylindrically polarized vortex beams in a uniaxial crystals. The effects of the vector character of the incident beam,the ratio between the magneto-optical constants of the uniaxial crystal,the value of extraordinary refractive index minus ordinary refractive index,and the location of interface between the isotropic media and the uniaxial crystal are discussed. Based on numerical simulation,it is found that the larger the ratio between the magneto-optical constants of the uniaxial crystal,the smaller the value of extraordinary refractive index minus ordinary refractive index,or the closer the location of interface between the isotropic media and the uniaxial crystal will all increase the maximum intensity of the magnetization field and decrease the full width at half maximum. Importantly,the full width at half maximum of the magnetization field in the uniaxial crystal is smaller than that in an isotropic crystal,and the length of magnetic spot is longer than that in the isotropic crystal. These will be beneficial to the improvement of recording density and the magnetization reversal rate of the all-optical magnetic storage,and will provide theoretical guidance and the new way control for the all-optical magnetic recording,atomic capture,lithography and other applications.


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Last Update: 2020-05-15