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Economic Geography Research on Regional CoordinatedDevelopment from Global Perspective—Progress and Prospect(PDF)


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Economic Geography Research on Regional CoordinatedDevelopment from Global Perspective—Progress and Prospect
Zhang Yizhen1Wang Tao1Cao Weidong2Si Yuefang3
(1.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.The Center for Urban and Regional Planning Studies,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241002,China)(3.School of Urban and Regional Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China)
coordinated developmenteconomic geographyknowledge mapresearch progress
F592.7 F127
Based on the research literature of regional coordinated development in the field of economic geography in Web of Science(WoS),with the help of CiteSpace and Gephi software,the use of bibliometric analysis and a review of the research process of regional coordinated development,this paper systematically sorts out the theoretical context,hotspot areas,cutting-edge developments of regional coordinated development research,and attempts to forecast future research directions. The research shows that:①From the research hotspots of regional coordinated development,China’s regional coordinated development has received active attention from domestic scholars and some international scholars. Regional coordinated sustainable development has been widely recognized by the academic community,and its governance approaches are constantly being reformed; ②From the perspective of research on regional coordinated development,regional integration and globalization are reshaping the concept of regional coordinated development,and innovation has gradually become the backbone of regional coordinated development; ③Comprehensively promoting regional coordinated sustainable development,innovation driving regional coordinated development,and building a new power source of regional coordinated development in the new era are the core scientific issues that should be focused on in future studies of regional coordinated development in the field of economic geography. The research is conducive to enriching the understanding of the theory of regional coordinated development,and to seek a breakthrough for the theoretical innovation of domestic regional coordinated development.


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Last Update: 2020-09-15