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Degree-Degree Distance Based on the Perspective of Multi-Layer Traffic Network COVID-19 Transmission Research(PDF)


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Degree-Degree Distance Based on the Perspective of Multi-Layer Traffic Network COVID-19 Transmission Research
Tian FengWei Daijun
(School of Mathematics and Statistics,Hubei Minzu University,Enshi 445000,China)
COVID-19degree-degree distancemulti-layer traffic networkhierarchical clustering
In this paper,the degree-degree distance model of single-layer network was extended to multi-layer network of that and the degree-degree distance model of multi-layer traffic network was established. Based on this model,the transmission of COVID-19 in 17 prefecture-level cities(prefectures)in Hubei Province was analyzed. The main contributions and conclusions are as follows:(1)It was found that the transmission of COVID-19 was significantly different among different ways of transportation.(2)The results of urban cluster analysis based on the hierarchical network degree-degree distance model are in high agreement with the results of cluster analysis based on the number of confirmed patients.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01