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Statistics and Prediction of Reader Education and Training in University Library(PDF)


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Statistics and Prediction of Reader Education and Training in University Library
Deng Sheng1Hou Qikun1Chen Minzhe1Yang Yuzhou2Zhao Xialin3
(1.Foreign Studies College of Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)(2.School of Economics,Xiamen University,Xiamen 631005,China)(3.School of Economics,Boston University,Boston 02215,USA)
university libraryeducational trainingreaderpredictionstatistical analysis
Based on the statistics of the training literature data of relevant university libraries in the recent 15 years by CNKI,this paper discusses the characteristics of the current situation of reader education and training in university libraries,predicts its development,and obtains the characteristics of reader education and training in university libraries. Furthermore,through the analysis of literature results and reader survey data,we can effectively predict the development trend of reader education and training in university libraries in the next few years.


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