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Research on Image Feature Fusion Method for Pattern Image Retri(PDF)


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Research on Image Feature Fusion Method for Pattern Image Retri
Yin YeyuGao JiaquanLi Ying
(School of Computer and Electronic Information/School of Artificial Intelligence,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
pattern imageimage retrifeature extractionfeature fusion
With the development of textile CAD technology,pattern images increases quickly. Finding similar pattern images in the corporate library quickly and accurately can help textile companies greatly reduce costs and improve production efficiency. Aiming at the problem of pattern image retri,this paper uses ResNet as the backbone network to construct a pattern retri model PGLN(Pattern Global and Local Feature Network)based on feature fusion. In this model,the global feature uses the pooled feature map of the deep network to efficiently integrate the salient features of the input image; the local feature branch uses the attention mechanism and uses the interactive feature layer to detect the salient area of the image. In order to verify the effectiveness of the PGLN model,this paper tests the retri effect of the PGLN model on the self-built pattern dataset(Pattern). Experiment results show that compared with local feature extraction algorithms,global feature extraction algorithms,and fusion feature algorithms,the PGLN model achieves the best performance for the pattern image retri task.


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