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Research on Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Accessibility of Childcare Institutions in Chengdu Based on Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method(PDF)


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Research on Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Accessibility of Childcare Institutions in Chengdu Based on Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method
Tan Wanli1Zhao Yuan12Yan Jiyao2
(1.Jinling College,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
(2.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
childcare institutionsspatial distributionaccessibilitytwo-step floating catchment area methodChengdu
Childcare service is a strong support for the policy system of childbearing support. Scientific evaluation of the spatial distribution characteristics of childcare institutions is the premise for rational allocation of childcare service resources. In this paper,the kernel density analysis method is used to study the spatial distribution characteristics of childcare institutions in Chengdu,and the Gaussion two-step floating catchment area method is used to measure the spatial accessibility of childcare institutions in Chengdu. The focus is on the analysis of the single effective service threshold of 20-min and the three-tier effective service threshold divided by the size of childcare institutions. The results show that:(1)Childcare institutions in Chengdu generally show a distribution pattern of more in central cities and less in suburban new towns.(2)There are large differences in the spatial layout of childcare institutions of different natures, with a higher proportion of non-universalized childcare institutions in central city and a more balanced mix of childcare institutions of different natures in suburban new towns.(3)The accessibility of childcare institutions in the central and western regions of Chengdu is better than that in the east. It is more reasonable to evaluate the spatial accessibility of childcare institutions in Chengdu according to the three-tier effective service thresholds of scale.


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Last Update: 2024-03-15