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Magnetic Properties in Microwave of Nanocrystalline FeB Alloy Grain
卢晓明1 张 弢2 蒋正生1
( 1. 南京大学物理系, 江苏南京210093)
( 2. 南京大学材料科学与工程系, 江苏南京210093)
Lu Xiaoming1Zhao Tao2Jiang Zhengsheng1
1.Department of Physics,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
2. Departm ent ofM aterials Scien ce and E ngineering, Nan jing Un ivers ity, N an jing 210093, C hina
纳米晶FeB合金颗粒 微波磁性 磁损耗 金属间化合物
nanocry sta lline FeB a lloy grain m agnetic properties in m icrow ave frequency reg im e m agne-t ic diss ipa tion inte rme tallic com pound
系统地研究了纳米晶FeB合金颗粒的微波磁性.样品由机械合金化方法制备,X射线衍射实验表明合金颗粒是由尺寸约为10 nm左右的纳米微晶组成的.对FeB合金系列样品进行直流及微波磁性测量,结果表明:(1)纳米晶FeB合金颗粒的饱和磁化强度σS随B含量增加而单调下降.(2)FeB合金颗粒的磁损耗μ″,在B含量约为5at.%时达到最大值,其有效复数磁导率为μ=3.06-j3.44,相应的内禀磁导率达μi=5.67-j12.11,当B含量超过10at.%时,磁损耗μ″显著降低.(3)磁损耗μ″的峰值频率随B含量的增加,基本呈下降趋势.通过上述研究,我们得出如下结论:(1)合理地选择纳米晶FeB合金颗粒的成分,可以有效地提高磁损耗μ″.(2)金属间化合物FeB相的出现,对材料的微波磁性将产生不利影响.
The sy stema tic and de ta iled study has been carr ied out on them agnetic properties o f nano crysta lline FeB a lloys. The sam ples are prepared by mechan ic a lloy ing m ethod and gra in size are analyzed by X- ray d iffraction m easurem ents. It is found that a lloy particles a re com posed of nano- sized granules of approx ima tely 10 nm. The m agneticm easurements in the static and m icrowave frequency reg im e on a ser ies o f FeB alloy samp les indicate tha t: ( 1) the specific satura tion m agne tization RS o f FeB a lloy g ra in decreases w ith B content. ( 2) m agnetic d issipation reaches am ax imum va lue a t B concentration around 5at. %, and the effec tive m agne tic pe rmeability and intrinsic m agne tic perm eab ility take the va lue L = 3. 06 - j3144 and μi = 5.67- j12. 11, respectively, plus furthe r increase in B content beyond 10at. % b rings abou t rapid decrease in m agnetic d issipation. ( 3) the frequency correspond ing to the peak va lue ofm agne-t ic dissipa tion genera lly decreases w ith B concentration. Based on above observations, we conclude that: ( 1) com ponent optim iza tion in nanoc rystalline FeB a lloy s is o f v ita l im po rtance in enhanc ing them agnetic d issipation. ( 2) the o ccurrence o f inte rm etallic FeB phase must be avo ided s ince it is un favorable to the m agnetic dissipa tion.


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作者简介: 卢晓明( 1981- ) , 硕士研究生, 主要从事铁磁材料的磁性和输运性质的学习与研究. E-m ail:youngtoo@ sin a. com. cn
通讯联系人: 蒋正生( 1956- ) , 教授, 主要从事磁性材料的教学与研究. E-m ail:zs jiang@ n ju. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05