 Xu Guohua,Chang Jun,Mao Shanguo,et al.Effects of Selenium on Growth and Antioxidative System in Protocorm-like Bodies of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2008,31(03):86-90.





Effects of Selenium on Growth and Antioxidative System in Protocorm-like Bodies of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo
(1. 南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏南京210097)
( 2. 淮阴师范学院生物系, 江苏淮安223001
Xu Guohua1Chang Jun1Mao Shanguo12Luo Yuming12Ding Xiaoyu1
1.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
2. Departm en t of B iology, Hu aiyin T eachers College, H uai’an 223001, Ch in a
铁皮石斛 拟原球茎 抗氧化系统
D endrob ium off icinale protocorm- like bod ies selenium antiox idative system
通过在培养基中添加Na2SeO3,研究不同浓度硒对铁皮石斛组织培养拟原球茎的生长及抗氧化系统的影响.结果表明:适量加硒(≤0.2 mg/L)促进了拟原球茎的增殖生长,而高浓度硒(>0.2 mg/L)则抑制了增殖,并且发现拟原球茎生长的最佳硒浓度为0.05 mg/L.低浓度硒(≤0.05 mg/L)显著增强了拟原球茎SOD、CAT、GSH-PX活性,而使POD活性降低、O2.-产生速率变小,MDA含量明显下降;硒浓度过高(>0.1 mg/L),SOD、CAT、GSH-PX活性被抑制,POD活性升升高,O2.-产生速率变大, MDA 含量大幅上升. 总之, 适量加硒可增加产量, 提高机体抗氧化能力.
The a im of th is study w as to investig ate the effects o f d ifferent concentrations of selen ium in m edium on grow th and antiox idative system in protocorm- like bod ies o fD. officinale. The results showed tha t low concentration of se len ium ( ≤ 0.2 mg /L) could prom ote the grow th o f pro to co rm- like bod ies, how ever, h igh concentra tion of se lenium ( 0. 2 mg / L) showed the oppos ite e ffect. Furtherm ore, them ost appropr ia te selen ium concentration for the g row th o f pro toco rm- like bod ies was 0.05m g /L. Low concentration o f se lenium could sign ificantly increase the activations o f SOD, CAT and GSH - PX, however, inh ibite the activation of POD, the rate o f O-.2 gene ration and the leve l o fMDA. Oppos ite effects were seen a t high concentra tion o f selen ium. Therefore, itw as ind ica ted that proper se len ium concentra tion cou ld increase the y ield and antiox idative activ ity o f protocorm- like bodies o fD. off icinale.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 30370144)、淮安市科技发展计划项目( SN0766)资助项目.
作者简介: 徐国华, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向: 植物分子生物学与生物技术, E- m ail:n jxgh@ hotm ail.com
通讯联系人: 丁小余, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 植物学. E-m ail:dingxynj@263. net
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05