 Liu Hongxia,Yang Chun.Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performance of Mesoporous TiO2[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(01):62-67.





Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performance of Mesoporous TiO2
南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Liu HongxiaYang Chun
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
介孔二氧化钛 模板剂脱除 光催化性能
m esoporous TiO2 rem ova l o f temp la te photocata ly sis
Them esoporous T iO2 w as synthesized by using T iC l4 and titanium isopropox ide as the T i precursors and P123 as a temp la te, fo llowed by calc ination o r re flux w ith ethano l to rem ove tem plate. The sam ples w ere characterized by BET, TEM, XRD and TG-DTA techn iques. The photo ca talytic degradation o fm e thy l o rang e, a w ater-so luble azo-dye, ca talyzed by these T iO2 sam ples w as also inv estig ated. The results indicate tha t mesostructure can be form ed upon the ca lcina tion, and ana tase crysta l phase is ob tained when the sam ple is ca lcined at 380℃ fo r 6 h. H owever them esostruc-ture and the anatase cry sta l phase canno t be form ed on the reflux ed sam ple, in wh ich the tem plate cannot be rem oved thoroughly. In the pho to-degrada tion o fm ethyl orange, the crysta lline sta te ra ther than the m esostructure o fT iO2 plays a v ita l role fo r the ca talysis activ ity. M esopo rous T iO2 w ith anatase crysta l phase possesses very h igh photocata lysis activ i ty, wh ich is com pa rable w ith P25 pho to ca talyst.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 20473037)、江苏省教育厅自然科学基金( 04K JB150069)、国家人事部留学人员科技活动基金
( 2005103SB9BH 51)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 杨 春, 研究员, 研究方向: 多相催化研究. E-m ail:yangchun@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23