 Qian Xu,Zhu Xiaolei,Shao Jingling,et al.Theoretical Study on the Molecular First Hyperpolarizability of the C36 Fullerene Derivatives With Nitrogen Heterocycle[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(03):66-70.





Theoretical Study on the Molecular First Hyperpolarizability of the C36 Fullerene Derivatives With Nitrogen Heterocycle
南京工业大学化学化工学院, 江苏南京210009
Qian XuZhu XiaoleiShao JinglingJia Yubo
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 21009,China
C36富勒烯衍生物 CPHF 第一超极化率
C36 fu llerene der iva tive CPHF first hyperpo la rizability
The structures of 18 C36 fu llerene de riva tives w ith n itrogen he tero cyc le are optim ized at the HF /3-21G leve.l V ibrationa l frequency ana lysis is perform ed at the sam e leve l to assure whethe r the optim ized structures are stab le or not. The first hyperpo larizabilities and o ther physica l properties of them are ca lculated a t the CPHF /3-21G leve .l Results dem onstrate tha t the des igned m o lecules are one-dim ensiona l charge transfer system s, bu t som e prope rties o f these mo lecules a re d ifferent from those o f the traditiona l D-π-A sy stem s. The substitute ( R) w ith acceptors and sm alle r frontier o rb ital energy gap can effec tive ly increase the first hype rpo lar izab ility of the system s. The C36 fullerene der ivatives w ith n itrogen heterocyc le a re nove l non- linear optical m ater ia ls w ith large β/γma x and good v isible- transparence.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 2087603 )、江苏省科技厅自然科学基金( BK2008372)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 朱小蕾, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 分子模拟. E-m ail: x lzhu@ n jut. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23