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Researching the Transformation of Vernacular Architectural Landscape in Tourism Destination Based on the Residents’ Perception——Case Study of the Transformation of the Characteristics of the Tibetam Architectural Landscape in Jiuzhaigou
李 娜1 张 捷2
1. 南京财经大学艺术设计学院, 江苏南京210046
2. 南京大学国土资源与旅游学系, 江苏南京210093
Li Na 1Zhang Jie 2
1. School of Art Design,Nanjing University of Finance and Economic,Nanjing 210046,China
居民感知 民居建筑景观 变化 保护 九寨沟
perception of local residents vernacu la r a rchitectural landscape transform ation protection Jiuzhaigou
运用居民感知研究方法对旅游地民居建筑景观的变化进行研究, 目的在于促进居民参与旅游规划和建筑景观保护. 基于对九寨沟树正寨的实地问卷和深入访谈调查, 分析了居民对藏寨建筑景观特色变化的认知程度和感知强度, 并借助spss软件的相关分析功能, 对建筑景观整体印象及其构成要素进行了感知分析. 感知结果显示, 影响居民对藏寨建筑景观特色变化总体评价的因素主要是整体结构和自然和谐度; 同时, 居民认为藏寨建筑的外墙装饰、室内装饰、使用功能改变是适应现代生活的表现. 研究指出居民感知应该成为旅游地民居建筑景观保护和社区参与旅游发展决策的重要依据, 居民态度应该反映在民居建筑景观保护的规划中.
The aim of us ing me thod of residents- perception on researching vernacu lar arch itectura l landscape transform ation of tour ism destination is prom o ting residen ts- pa rtic ipating in tourism plan and vernacu lar arch itecture pro tection. Based on the spot answered questionnaires and further interv iew s in Shuzheng v illag e o f Jiuzhaigou, and the so ftware spss, this paper ana lyzes the perceptive deg ree o f Shuzheng residents to the transform ation o f the charac teristics o f the ir T ibetan arch itectura l landscape. And the factors o f these perceptions a re a lso invo lved in the paper. As indicated in the analysis, the g eneral structure and the harm onization w ith the na ture o f bu ild ing are recogn ized as the stronger ingred-i ents in residents eva luating the transfo rm ations of the character istics of their T ibetan arch itectura l landscape; the decoration on elevation and indoor, and the function chang ing are a ll recogn ized as a k ind o f adaptation to the modern life. According to this paper, the general structure and the harm onization w ith the nature o f bu ilding, and the co rre lative perspectives shou ld be regarded as princ ip les and imp lies in the fo llow ing p lann ing and designs, nom atte r of pro tection or o f new deve lopm enta l projects.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 50708048)、江苏省教育厅哲学社会科学基金( 08SJD7600003)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 李 娜, 讲师, 博士, 研究方向: 旅游规划、建筑设计. E-m ail:m in ilana@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23