 Lu Zheng,Zhang Yanyan,Hong Fang,et al.Bioinformatic Analysis on the Locusta migratoria manilensis Odorant-Binding Proteins Ⅰ[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2010,33(02):63-70.





Bioinformatic Analysis on the Locusta migratoria manilensis Odorant-Binding Proteins Ⅰ
南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏省生物资源技术重点实验室, 江苏南京210046
Lu ZhengZhang YanyanHong FangJiang Guofang
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Bioresource Technology,School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
东亚飞蝗 气味结合蛋白 生物信息学 蛋白结构和功能
Locusta m igrator ia manilensis odo rant b ind ing prote in ( OBP) b io informa tics pro tein structure and function
利用生物信息学方法分析了东亚飞蝗(Locusta migratoria manilensis)OBP1的核苷酸与氨基酸序列(GenBank登录号FJ215322.1/ACI30696.1),并对其组成成分、疏水/亲水区域、信号肽、跨膜结构域、蛋白质二级结构,以及分子进化关系等进行了预测与推断.结果显示,该蛋白由148个氨基酸组成,预测相对分子质量为16122.6,理论等电点(pI)为4.99,分子式为C696H1128N184O223S15;含有蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点和酪氨酸激酶Ⅱ磷酸化位点等;具有标准的昆虫信息素/气味结合蛋白结构域.
The nuc leo tide and am ino acid sequences of odorant-b inding prote in I ( GenBank accession num ber: FJ2153221 1 /AC I30696.1) from Locusta m ig ratoria m anilensis we re ana lyzed and pred icted by the too ls of bio inform atics in the fo llow ing aspects: the composition, equ ipo tentia,l hydrophob ic ity or hydrophilicity, the signa l peptide, transm embrane topo log ica l structure, prote in seconda ry structure, the com position of homo logous prote in and phy logene tic re lationsh ip. The results show ed that the Lm igOBP1 gene encoded a 148 am ino ac id po lypeptides w ith a standard insect pherom one /odorant b ind ing prote in dom a in, the estima ted re la tive mo lecu lar w eigh t of 16 122.6, the theoretica l pI o f 4.99, and the struc tura l fo rmu la o f C696H1128N184O223 S15, w hich inc luded Prote in kinase C phospho ry lation sites and Case in k-i nase II phosphory lation sites.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 30670257) . 通讯联系人: 蒋国芳, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 进化遗传学和分子生态学. E-mail:cnjgf1208@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08