 Wei Yuchun,Wang Guoxiang,Cheng Chunmei.Noise Removal in Spectrum Above Water Surface Using Kernel Regression Smoothing[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2010,33(03):97-102.





Noise Removal in Spectrum Above Water Surface Using Kernel Regression Smoothing
南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室, 江苏南京210046
Wei YuchunWang GuoxiangCheng Chunmei
Key Lab of Virtual Geographic Environment,Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
核回归 平滑 信扰比 蒙特卡洛模拟 水面光谱 遥感
kerne l regress ion sm oo th signa l to interference ratio monte-car lo s imu la tion spectrum above w ater surface remo te sensing
水面光谱是利用遥感反演水体水质参数的数据基础, 去除光谱中的噪声干扰, 提高光谱的信号干扰比有助于改进水质参数的遥感反演的精度. 本文选择叶绿素a浓度相同而悬浮泥沙浓度差异较大的两个水面光谱为代表, 分析了核回归平滑方法对干扰的去除效果. 假定干扰类型为4类, 分别是正态分布、瑞利分布、指数分布和泊松分布, 设定的干扰强度分为4级. 利用蒙特卡洛模拟方法, 通过500轮次的模拟计算了核回归平滑前后水面光谱的信号干扰比, 并与多项式平滑、移动平均、局部回归和鲁棒性的局部回归平滑方法进行了比较. 结果表明, 不论干扰强度高或低, 核回归平滑后的光谱均具有最高的信号干扰比. 在四类干扰中, 核回归平滑对于正态分布的干扰去除效果较好. 与常用的多项式平滑方法相比, 核回归平滑方法比较完整地保留了水面光谱中的峰谷位置信息, 是一种值得推荐的提高水面光谱信号干扰比的方法.
Spec trum above w ater surface w ith h igh signa l to inte rference ra tio ( SIR) is the key to estima tew ate r qua lity param eters by rem ote sensing. To decrease inte rference and increase SIR of spectrum is the important content o f spectrum ana lysis. In th is paper, tw o spectrum above wa ter surface, wh ich ch lorophy l-l a concentra tion is sam e and suspended substance concentration is different, was taken as exam ples to ana lysis the de-no ising e ffect o f the kernel regression sm ooth ing. The paper uses theM onte-Car lo simu la tion m ethod to estim ate the average o f S IR by 500 rounds, g iven four interference disturbance type, .i e. Norm a l d istr ibu te, Ray leigh distribute, Exponentia l d istr ibute and Po isson d istr ibute, and four interference intensity. The SIR of ke rnel reg ression sm oothing were also com pa red w ith that o f Sav itzky-Golay smoo th filter, m ov ing av erage, loca l regression and robust lo ca l regress ion. The resu lt shows tha t kerne l regression sm ooth ing not on ly increases the SIR of spectrum, but also has the h ighest SIR than o ther fourme thods whether the interference intens ity is h igher or low er. SIR is the h ighest when interference is o f the norm a l distribute. Com pa re w ith Savitzky-Go lay sm ooth filter, the spectrum by kerne l regress ion sm ooth ing w asm ore smoo ther and keptm ore inform ation on spectrum  s peak and va lley position. The paper conc ludes tha t kerne l regress ion sm ooth ing is a be tterm e thod to dec rease in terference influence in the spectrum abovew ate r sur face.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 40771152)、江苏省普通高校自然科学研究计划资助项目( 07KJB420062) . 通讯联系人: 韦玉春, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 环境遥感. E-mail:weiyuchun@ njnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08