 Ma Chao,Li Gang,Zhu Kan,et al.Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous Nateglinide[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2011,34(01):74-79.





Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous Nateglinide
南京师范大学分析测试中心, 江苏南京210097
Ma ChaoLi GangZhu KanCheng Xiaoqing
Analysis and Testing Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
那格列奈 无定型 溶解速率
nateg linide am orphous so lution rate
本文以水难溶的抗糖尿病药物H型那格列奈为原料,通过溶剂去除法制备出无定型那格列奈.用高效液相色谱(HPLC)、X-射线粉末衍射(XRD)、差示扫描量热分析(DSC)、红外光谱(FT-IR)以及溶解速率实验等分析手段对所制备的无定型那格列奈进行了表征.分析结果表明, 制得的那格列奈样品呈无定型状态, 而且在制备过程中既没有化学反应发生, 也没有原料分解. 溶解速率实验结果表明, 制得的无定型那格列奈的溶解速率相对于结晶型那格列奈有明显提高. 这说明, 使用溶剂去除法制备无定型那格列奈是个直接有效的方法,
Am orphous nateg linide w as prepared by a so lvent rem ova l process, using pure H-fo rm nateg lin ide tha t is a kind of poo rly w ater-so luble antidiabetic drug as the raw m ater ia.l The amo rphous nateg lin idew as cha racte rized by h ighpe rfo rm ance liquid chrom atog raphy (H PLC ), X- ray diffraction ( XRD), differential scann ing calor ime try ( DSC) , Four ier- transform infrared spectrome try ( FT- IR) , and so lu tion test. Resu lts obta ined from the ana lysis revealed that the produced nateg linide was in amo rphous sta te, and therew as neither o ther chem ical reaction nor raw m ater ia l decom posed in the so lv ent remova l pro cess, and the resu lt o f the so lu tion test show ed that so lution rate of the am orphous nateg linidew as sign ificantly enhanced when compared w ith the crysta lline na teg lin ide. The results demonstra te that the so lvent remova l process is a direct and feasiblem ethod wh ich could be utilized for improvem en t o f the solution property of the poor ly water- so lub le crystalline nateg lin ide.


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Founda tion item: Natu ral Scien ce Foundation of Jiangsu Prov ince ( 05KJD350113 ) , J iangsu Test ing Service Center for Biom ed icinalM aterials( BM 2007132 ). Correspond ing author: L iGang, professor, m ajored in X-ray d iffraction analys is. E-mail:
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-11