Wang Jing,Xu Min,Zhang Yimin.Ecological Profit and Loss Analysis of Tidal Flat Reclamation——Tidal Flat Reclamation of Tiaozini Sand as a Case Study[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2012,35(02):113-119.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Ecological Profit and Loss Analysis of Tidal Flat Reclamation——Tidal Flat Reclamation of Tiaozini Sand as a Case Study
- 作者:
- Author(s):
Wang Jing; Xu Min; Zhang Yimin
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
- 关键词:
滩涂围垦; 生态服务价值; 生态损益; 条子泥
- Keywords:
tidal flat reclamation; ecological service value; ecological profit and loss; Tiaozini Sand
- 分类号:
- 摘要:
围垦养殖是滩涂开发的主要方式之一,并呈现出大规模工厂化的趋势.本文以江苏省条子泥围垦养殖为例,采用经济价值评估法和能值法,研究围垦工程实施前后的生态服务价值变化和生态损益.根据经济价值评估方法和能值法计算出的条子泥天然湿地的生态服务价值分别为1.28×10 4元/公顷年和1.49×10 4元/公顷年,条子泥滩涂的生态服务价值主要体现在食品提供和栖息地服务两个方面.围垦后总的生态服务价值较围垦前相差不大,主要由于围垦后养殖产量大幅增加,食品提供生态服务价值明显增加,而水质净化、气体调节和栖息地等其他生态服务价值损失较大.本文的评估结果为条子泥围垦规模比选和生态补偿提供了依据,分析方法可应用于合理评估围垦规模及由此造成的生态损益,确定生态补偿和建设措施等.
- Abstract:
Reclamation and pond aquaculture is one of the main modes of tidal flat development,and showing a trend of large - scale factory aquiculture. The paper takes Tiaozini Sand reclamation in Jiangsu Province as an example,changes of the ecological service value and ecological profit and loss before and after reclamation are studied,by methods of economic evaluation and ecological emergy. By economic evaluation method and emergy method calculation,the ecological service value of Tiaozini natural wetland is 1. 28 × 104 yuan /hm 2·a and 1. 49 × 104 yuan /hm 2·a calculated respectively. The ecological service value of Tiaozini Sand is mainly embodied in the aspects of food supply and habitat services. The total ecological service value has no great difference before and after reclamation,is mainly due to great increase in aquiculture production and food supply service value increases significantly after reclamation,while the water purification, gas regulation,habitat and other ecological services value decrease significantly. The evaluation result of the paper provides a basis for scale selection and ecological compensation of Tiaozini Sand reclamation. The methods of analysis could be applied in rationality assessment of reclamation scale and ecological profit and loss,and determination of ecological compensation and construction measures.
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- 备注/Memo:
基金项目: 海洋公益性行业科研专项经费项目( 200805082) 、国家海洋局海域管理技术重点实验室基金项目.
通讯联系人: 徐敏,教授,博士生导师,研究方向: 海洋资源环境与开发管理. E-mail: xumin0895@ njnu. edu. cn
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