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Response of Physiological Index during the Storage of Juglans sigillata Dode. Walnut with Husk
梁 美12王纪辉12胡伯凯12刘亚娜12耿阳阳12张时馨12曾亚军12何佳丽2杨 光3
(1.贵州省核桃研究所,贵州 贵阳 550005)
(2.贵州省林业科学研究院,贵州 贵阳 550005)
(3.贵州阳光食品有限公司,贵州 毕节 551600)
Liang Mei12Wang Jihui12Hu Bokai12Liu Yana12Geng Yangyang12Zhang Shixin12Zeng Yajun12He Jiali2Yang Guang3
(1.Guizhou Institute of Walnut,Guiyang 550005,China)
(2.Guizhou Academy of Forestry,Guiyang 550005,China)
(3.Guizhou Sunshine Food Company Limited,Bijie 551600,China)
Juglans sigillata Dode storage physiological indicators response
解析核桃青果低温贮藏期间氧化状态. 以“泡核桃”为试材,研究在冷藏过程中核桃青果的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、脂氧合酶(LOX)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性及丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性蛋白质(SP)、还原糖(RS)、维生素E(VE)、类黄酮、总酚(TP)含量变化. 结果表明,SOD、POD活性呈先升高后降低的趋势走向,贮藏10 d时酶活性较高为[(858.38±27.41)U/g鲜重]、[(142.70±4.29)U/g鲜重],较70 d时降低44.40%、54.02%. CAT、LOX、PPO活性呈现波浪形变化,在贮藏40 d时CAT活性较高为[(809.12±43.20)nmol·(min·g)-1鲜重],在贮藏20 d时LOX活性较高为[(161.74±4.05)U/g鲜重],在贮藏10 d时PPO活性较高为[(66.97±4.81)U/g鲜重]; MDA含量缓慢增加,RS含量呈升高-下降的趋势变化,在贮藏 10 d 时RS含量较高为[(69.39±2.34)mg/g鲜重],在贮藏10 d时VE含量较高为[(619.47±38.46)μg/g]. SP含量呈先下降再升高的趋势变化,类黄酮、总酚(TP)含量变化较为一致均呈“N”字型走向; 相关性分析表明,贮藏时间与SOD、RS呈现出极显著性负相关关系(r=-0.91、-0.90,P<0.01),贮藏时间与MDA、SP则呈极显著性正相关关系(r=0.94、0.89,P<0.01),部分指标呈显著/极显著性正负相关; 主成分分析结果表明,SOD、POD、CAT、LOX等众多生理指标与果实品质密切相关,可作为评价其氧化程度的重要指标. 以上结果可为民间冷库贮藏青核桃提供基础数据.
The oxidation state of walnut with husk was analyzed during the low-temperature storage. Juglans sigillata Dode was used as the test material,the superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD),catalase(CAT),lipoxygenase(LOX),polyphenol oxidase(PPO)activity and malondialdehyde(MDA),soluble protein(SP),reducing sugar(RS),VE,flavonoids,total phenol(TP)content changes were studied. The results showed that SOD and POD activity increased firstly and then decreased,and the enzyme activity was higher at 10 d of storage that was[(858.38±27.41)U/g fresh weight],and[(142.70±4.29)U/g fresh weight],which was reduced by 44.40% and 54.02% compared with 70 d. CAT,LOX,and PPO activity showed wavy changes,the CAT activity was higher at 40 d of storage that was[(809.12±43.20)nmol·(min·g)-1 fresh weight],the LOX activity was higher at 20 d of storage that was[(161.74±4.05)U/g fresh weight],the PPO activity was higher at 10 d of storage that was[(66.97±4.81 U/g fresh weight]; The MDA content was slowly increased,the RS content was higher at 10 d of storage that was[(69.39±2.34)mg/g fresh weight],the VE content was higher at 10 d of storage that was[(619.47±38.46)μg/g]. The SP content showed a trend of decreasing firstly,and then increasing,and the content of flavonoids and total phenol(TP)showed a trend change of "N" type; Correlation analysis showed that storage time showed a very significant negative relationship with SOD and RS(r=-0.91,-0.90,P<0.01),and storage time showed a very significant positive relationship with MDA and SP(r=0.94,0.89,P<0.01),some indicators showed a significant/very significant positive/negative correlation; The results of the principal component analysis showed that many physiological indicators such as SOD,POD,CAT,and LOX were closely related to fruit quality,and could be used as an important indicator to evaluate degree of oxidation of walnut with husk. The above results provided basic data for walnut with husk storage in folk freezer.


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通讯作者:王纪辉,硕士,副研究员,研究方向:经济林加工. E-mail:1833247257@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-12-15