 Cai Houde,Xu Yan.Handedness and Semantic Processing of Auditory Words in Cerebral Hemispheres[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2007,30(01):68-73.





Handedness and Semantic Processing of Auditory Words in Cerebral Hemispheres
南京师范大学教育科学学院脑与行为实验室, 江苏南京210097
Cai HoudeXu Yan
Lab of Brain and Behavior,School of Education Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
利手 偏侧化 整合 听觉词汇语义加工 双耳分听
handedness latera lization integration sem antic processing o f aud itory wo rds dichotic lis tening
In dichotic listen ing, left-and righ t-handers unde rtook the category classify task on concrete nouns ( an im als, objects, body parts) of Ch inese sing le cha racte rs to ex am ine the cerebra l functional la t era lization and integration fo r sem antic processing of audito ry w ords in d ifferen t handers. The results show ed that: ( 1) the erro r ra tes fo r the w ith in le ft-ear w ere low er than the w ith in r ight-earw hen respon d ing w ith the le ft-hands or the righ t-hands in the right handers, revea ling an r ight hem ispher ic dom i nance; ( 2) the righ t hem ispher ic dom inance w as also obse rved in the left-handers when respond ing w ith the le ft-hands, but therew as no sign ificant d iffe rence of the error rates between thew ith in le ft-ear and the w ith in right-ea rw hen respond ing w ith the r ight-hands, suggesting that the left-handers may be ab le to process these auditory wo rds in e ithe r the r ight or the le ft hem isphere; ( 3 ) the erro r rates for bo th the cross left-r ight ear and the cro ss r ight-left ear w ere h igher than the w ith in left-ear when respond ing w ith the left-hands in the right handers, bu t not h igher than the w ith in r ight-ear when responding w ith the right-hands, indicating no dom inance fo r interhem ispher ic integration of the sem an tic processing; ( 4) the erro r ra tes bo th for the cross left-righ t ear and the cross r ight-left ear w ere low er than the w ithin le ft-ear and the w ith in r ight-ear when responding w ith the r ight-hands in the left handers, suggesting the left -handers cou ld po ssess the ab ility to integ ra te the sem antic processing across the two hem isphe res


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基金项目: 江苏省哲学社会科学研究“十五规划基金项目成果”( 04 JYB013)资助项目.
作者简介: 蔡厚德( 1957- ) , 教授, 主要从事汉语认知的大脑功能偏侧化与整合研究. E-m ail:caihoude@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05