 Chu Bihai,Mao Shanguo,Ding Xiaoyu,et al.Relationship Between Effective Component of Alisma orientalis(Sam) Juzep and Ecological Factors[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2007,30(02):98-103.





Relationship Between Effective Component of Alisma orientalis(Sam) Juzep and Ecological Factors
南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Chu BihaiMao ShanguoDing XiaoyuLi XuexiaDing Ge
School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097, China
泽泻 有效成分 生态因子 灰色关联
A lisma or ientalis ( Sam ) Juzep e ffective component eco logy factor g rey corre lation
通过相关性和灰色关联分析方法系统研究了泽泻有效成分与生态因子之间的关系.相关性分析表明泽泻药材有效成分与其生长期内的平均温度呈负相关(r=-0.724 5),与空气平均相对湿度呈正相关(r=0.740 0);灰色关联分析表明泽泻生长期内平均相对湿度是影响泽泻中2,3-乙酰泽泻醇B含量的主导气候因子,并且土壤中的钾元素对泽泻中2,3-乙酰泽泻醇B的含量影响最大.结合分析江苏地区的气候及土壤因子以及引种后的泽泻药材质量,证明江苏地区适宜泽泻的生长,泽泻引种江苏是切实可行的.
The re la tionsh ip be tw een effec tive component of A lisma or ientalis ( Sam ) Juzep and eco log ica l factors w ere ana ly zed by us ing correlation and grey co rre la tion analysis. Co rre lation analysis ind ica ted tha t the effective com ponent o fA lisma or ientalis showed negative corre lation w ith average tem pera ture( r = - 0.724 5), and positive correlation w ith averag e re lative hum id ity( r= 0.740 0) . Grey corre lation ana ly sis show ed that average re la tive hum idityw as the dom inant c lim a tic factor and the conten t o f kalium in so il a f fected mo st on the content o f 2, 3- acety l a liso l B. The study o f c lima tic facto rs and so il facto rs in Jiangsu area and the qua lity of the introduced medic inal m ater ia l found Jiangsu su itab le fo r the grow th o fA lisma orientalis, which dem onstrated that it is feas ible to introduceA lisma orien talis into Jiangsu.


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金( BK2003101 )资助项目.
作者简介: 褚必海( 1982- ) , 硕士研究生, 主要从事中药材GAP生态环境的学习与研究. E-m ail:chujiayi@ 126. com
通讯联系人: 丁小余( 1965- ) , 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事药用植物的教学、开发与研究. E-m ail:dingxynj@263. net
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05