 Yang Xiaoman,Zhang Wei,Huang Xinhua,et al.Changes of GSH-Px and Immune Cell Activities in Hepatic Fibrosis Rats Intervened by Se-Enriched Lactobacillus[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2007,30(03):93-96.





Changes of GSH-Px and Immune Cell Activities in Hepatic Fibrosis Rats Intervened by Se-Enriched Lactobacillus
南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏省生物医药功能材料工程研究中心, 江苏南京210097
Yang XiaomanZhang WeiHuang XinhuaLiang JunqingChen Long
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Engineering Research Center of Biomedical Function Materials,Nanjing 210046,China
富硒乳酸菌 大鼠 肝纤维化 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 免疫细胞
Se-enr iched lactobacillus ra t hepatic fibrosis GSH-Px imm uno log ical cell
Thirty-six healthy SD ra ts w ith half o f fem a le and m alew ere chosen and random ly d iv ided into a control group( g roup C ), a CCl4 injected g roup ( g roup CC l4 ) and a CC l4 plus Se-enriched lactobacillus g roup ( group CCl4 -Se) . The num ber o f rats in each group is 12. H epatic fibrosis was induced by ca rbon tetrachlor ide ( CC l4 ). G roup CC l4 and g roup CCl4 Se-were given hypoderm ic injection o f olive o il so lution conta in ing 500 g /L CC l4, fo llowed by in jection o f the sam e so lution ( 0. 3mL /100 g body m ass) ev ery 3 days over e ightw eeks. The rats in g roup C received hypoderm ic in jection of o live o il at the sam e dose and frequency. During the entire expe rim en tal pe riod, the comm on com plete d iet w as ora lly prov ided da ily in g roup C and g roup CC l4, and the ra ts in g roup CC l4-Sew ere g iven the diets w ith 3 m g of Se-enr iched lac tobacillus per kg feed. The hepatic index, GSH-Px activ ity in liver hom og enate, T-lym phocy te rates in blood, chang es o f RBC-CR1 rose tte rates and RBC-IC rose tte rates w ere determ ined in the 4 th and 8th w eek po st CC l4 injection. The result show ed that during the whole experim enta l pe riod, the hepatic index, w hich was h ighest in g roup CC l4, was low er o r sign ificantly low er in group CC l4 se- than in g roup CC l4 but notably higher than in g roup C. Compared w ith the g roup C, the GSH-Px activity in liver homogena te in the g roup CC l4 decreased significantly, but in group CCl 4-Se, it w as higher o r sign ificantly higher than tha t in the group CC l4 and was close to that in group C. In group CC l4, T-lym phocy tes(% ) dropped sig n ificantly. T lym phocytes(% ) o f group CCl4 Se- is low er than tha t o f group C, but show ing an apparentincrease as com pared w ith group CC l4. RBC-CR1 rosette ra tes(% ) and RBC-IC rosette ra tes(% ) o f g roup CC l4 w ere low er or significantly lowe r than those of g roup C. H ow ever, bo th rates(% ) of g roup CC l4Se- we re m arked ly low er than those in group CC l4 and c lo se to those in group C. It is sugg ested tha t Se-enriched lactobacillus could intervene the lip id pe rox idation reaction o f hepatic fibrosis induced by CC l4, and ame liorate and enhance imm uno log ic ce ll function activ ity to keep its norm a l and benefic ial ac tion through anti-dam age pro tection


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基金项目: 江苏省重点实验室开放基金( K JS02022 )、江苏省生物医药功能材料工程研究中心资助.
作者简介: 杨筱曼( 1982- ) , 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事动物免疫生理学与生物化学的学习与研究. E-m ail:elver1982@ hotmail.com
通讯联系人: 陈龙( 1964- ) , 教授, 博士, 主要从事免疫生理学与生物化学的教学与研究. E-m ail:lchen@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05