[1]张晓岩,王 超,孙志人,等.基于二维CA和CWQ方法的图像加密方案(英文)[J].南京师大学报(自然科学版),2008,31(01):1-7.
 Zhang Xiaoyan,Wang Chao,Sun Zhiren,et al.A New Image Encryption Scheme Based on Two-Dimensional CA Joint With CWQ Method[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2008,31(01):1-7.





A New Image Encryption Scheme Based on Two-Dimensional CA Joint With CWQ Method
张晓岩1 王 超2 孙志人1 张赞波3 4
1. 南京师范大学数学与计算机科学学院, 数学研究所, 江苏南京210097 )
( 2. 南开大学软件学院, 天津300071 )
( 3. 中山大学计算机科学系, 广东广州510275)
( 4. 广东轻工职业技术学院计算机工程系, 广东广州510300 )
Zhang Xiaoyan1 Wang Chao2 Sun Zhiren1 Zhang Zanbo34
( 1. S chool ofM ath emat ics and C om pu ter S cience, Inst itu te ofM ath emat ics, Nan j ing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina)
( 2. Col lege of Softw are, NankaiUn ivers ity, T ian jin 300071, Ch ina)
( 3. Departm en t of Com puter S cien ce, SunY at-sen Un iversity, Guangzhou 510275, Ch ina)
( 4. Dep artm en t of Com puter Eng ineering, Gu angdong Industry Techn icalC ollege, Guangzhou 510300, C h ina)
图像加密 细胞自动机 四叉树结构 图论 小波
im age encryption cellu la r autom ata quad- tree structure g raph theory w ave let
CA is the abbrev ia tion o f ce llular autom a tawh ich a re dynam ica l sy stem sw ith discrete space and tim e. Conside rable interest has been shown over the past decade in the use o f cellular au tom ata in cryptography. The a im o f th is paper is to present a new schem e fo r im age encryption, w hich com bines two-d im ensiona l CA approach w e proposed in M oore neighbo rhood on the graph structure of square lattice and CWQ m ethod based on quad- tree structure. First, the two-d im ensiona l CA encryption approach can strengthen the sy stem’ s secur ity mo re greatly than the confusion-on ly CWQ m ethod. Second, CWQ m ethod enhances the con fusion property o f the two-d im ensiona lCA appro ach wh ich satisfies avalanche e ffect and the property of diffusion. M oreov er, an importan t feature of the proposed schem e is tha t it has very larg e number of secur ity keys and simp le operations wh ich are espec ia lly useful for d ig ita l image encryption.


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Foundation item: Supported by the NNSF( 10671095) , Ch ina Postdoctoral Science Found at ion ( 20070421028) , J iangsu P lanned P rojects for Pos-tdoctoralR esearch Funds( 0602023C ) , Scien ce& Techn ology Innovation Fund ofN ankaiU n ivers ity ( 2006019) and the S cien tific Research Foundation of Guangdong Industry Techn ical College( 2005 - 11) .
Biography: Zhang X iaoyan, born in 1978, doctor, ma jored in graph theory. E-m ail: Royxyzhang@ gm ail. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05