 Liu Haifeng,Liu Ping,Li Nannan,et al.Cloning Expression and Characterization of a Bi-functional Antibacterial Peptides CM4 and hsBAFF Fusion Protein in Escherichia Coli[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2008,31(02):87-91.





Cloning Expression and Characterization of a Bi-functional Antibacterial Peptides CM4 and hsBAFF Fusion Protein in Escherichia Coli
江苏省分子医学生物技术重点实验室, 南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏南京210046
Liu HaifengLiu PingLi NannanZhang Shuangquan
Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory for Molecular and Medical Biotechnology,School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
抗菌肽CM4 人的可溶性BAFF 抗菌活性 融合基因 大肠杆菌 表达
Antibacter ia l peptide CM4 hsBAFF fusion gene E. co li expression
采用PCR法从含有人可溶性BAFF基因的pET30a( + )扩增得到人sBAFF基因, 通过rPCR 将抗菌肽 Cecrop in CM 4基因的2条单核苷酸链进行扩增得到CM 4基因, 再采用ov er-lap PCR法通过linke r将hsBAFF与 Cecrop in CM 4融合基因相连接. 经纯化和鉴定后, 定向插入到原核表达载体pET30a ( + )中, 然后转化E. co li BL21( DE3), 通过实验确定了表达该融合基因的最佳诱导条件: IPTG 终浓度为1.0 mm o l/L, 诱导时间为5 h, 温度为30 ℃ , 其表达量占全菌蛋白的40%. 表达产物经SDS- PAGE 分析, 得到相对分子质量约为22 000的重组蛋白并且存在超声裂解后的上清中. 重组蛋白经W estern b lo t检测, 结果显示重组蛋白可被鼠抗人可溶性BAFF的抗体识别. 采用分子筛Sephadex G - 75对重组融合蛋白进行纯化, 并经SDS - PAGE对其鉴定. 通过对其生物学功能的检测得知, 纯化后的重组融合蛋白对大肠杆菌K12D31和真菌有明显的抑菌能力.
The cDNA o f hum an so lub le B lymphocyte stim ulato r ( hsBAFF) w as am plified by PCR from pET30a ( + ) and the gene o f an tibac terial peptide CM 4 by rPCR. The fusion gene o f hsBAFF and CM4 w as am plified by us ing over- lap PCR. The prokaryotic expression plasm id pET30a ( + ) /hsBAFF - CM 4 w as constructed w ith recomb inant DNA techniques after pur ify ing and iden tify ing the DNA fragm ent. Then the plasm id pET30a( + ) /hsBAFF- CM4 w as trans form ed in to BL21( DE3) cells and the expression w as optim ized w ith proper induc ing cond itions of 1. 0mm o l/L IPTG, 5 h and 30 ℃ induc tion. The expression leve l o f the target fusion pro te in reached 40% of the to tal bac terial pro tein. The resu lts o f SDS- PAGE indicated tha tm o lecularw e ight of the expressed prote in was abou t 22 000 and the expressed pro te in m a inly ex isted in the supe rnatan t after sonication. W estern b lo t ana lysis proved tha t the recom b inant pro tein has good reactive ability aga instm ouse anti-hum an so lub le BAFF IgG. The expression product w as purified by Sephadex G- 75. The pur ified recom bina tion prote in displayed antim icrob ial activ ity obviously.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 30271093) , 江苏省自然科学基金( BK2005140 )资助项目.
通讯联系人: 刘 平, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向: 生化与分子生物学的教学与研究. E-mail:l-ping0805@ yahoo. com. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-05-05