 Liu Hongke,Cai Ying,Su Fu,et al.Controlling the Size of an M2L4 Cage-Like Receptor by Internal Anions[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(01):74-78.





Controlling the Size of an M2L4 Cage-Like Receptor by Internal Anions
江苏省生物功能材料重点实验室, 南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Liu HongkeCai YingSu FuFeng LingyanWang YichengChen Qingqing
Biofunctional Material Key Lab of Jiangsu Province,School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
诱导契合机制 阴离子受体 柔性分子笼 主客体化学
induced- fit process anion recepto r flex ible cag e host-guest chem istry
M2L2型超分子笼状配合物[Cu2(bitmb)4 Cl]3+的单晶结构及以前的工作发现当笼状分子中所包入的阳离子从ClO 4-换成Cl-时,其Cu…Cu距离从7.52缩短到5.53,表明笼状分子与包入的阴离子之间的主客体相互作用很好地模拟了诱导契合机制.
The X- ray structure o f aM2 L4 anion-encapsulated cage comp lex [ Cu2 ( bitmb) 4 C l] 3+ [ b itm b= 1, 3-b is( im idazo l-1-y lm ethy l)-2, 4, 6- tr im ethy lbenzene] and prev ious wo rk showed that the Cu,Cu sepa rations o f the cages changed from 7152 ! to 51 53 ! when the an ions we re a ltered from [ C lO4 ] - to C l- , wh ich indicated that the host-guest interactions be tw een the recepto r and encapsulated an ions m im ic the induced- fit process we ll.


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Foundation item: Supported by the N at iona lNatu ral Science Foundation of Ch ina ( 20871069 ) , Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Prov ince
( BK2008428) , and Fund of S tate K ey Lab oratory of Coord in at ion Chem istry.
Corresponding autho r: L iuH ongke, professor, m ajored in coord inat ion chem istry and b ioinorgan ic chem istry. E-m ail:liuhongke@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23