 Han Xiaolei,Xu Jianrong,Li Xiaorui,et al.Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Elopichthys bambusa by AFLP Markers[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(01):110-114.





Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Elopichthys bambusa by AFLP Markers
韩晓磊1 2 徐建荣2 李小蕊1 伊纪峰1 杨家新1 许璞1 2
1. 南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏南京210097
2. 常熟理工学院生物与食品工程系, 江苏常熟215500
Han Xiaolei12Xu Jianrong2Li Xiaorui1Yi Jifeng1Yang Jiaxin1Xu Pu12
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
鳡鱼 AFLP 遗传多样性
E lop ichthys bam busa amp lified fragm ent length po lym orphism ( AFLP) genetic d iversity
利用AFLP分子标记技术对长江下游苏州段野生和野生F1代人工养殖的2个鳡鱼(Elopichthys bambusa)群体遗传多样性进行分析研究.6对选择性引物在2个群体47个个体中,共扩增出313个位点,多态位点47个.鳡鱼野生和野生F1代人工养殖2个群体的多态位点比率和Shannon’s指数分别为13.42%、8.31%,0.0544、0.0320;前者遗传多样性较后者略高.基因分化系数Gst和Shannon’s指数分析均显示2个鳡鱼群体之间出现一定遗传分化.鳡鱼UPGMA系统树有分支出现且依据群体分别聚类, 表现出一定的遗传趋异. 结果分析表明,鳡鱼群体的遗传多样性相对贫乏; 野生F1 代人工养殖群体尚未形成自己独立的遗传结构, 但2 个群体间已经产生了一定的遗传分化, 经过较多世代的人工繁育有可能形成自己独立而稳定的遗传结构.
Genetic div ers ity o f aw ild populations and a cu ltured population o fElop ichthys bambusa w as investiga ted using amp lified fragm ent length po lym orphism ( AFLP). Thew ild popu lation w as co llected from Suzhou area of Yang tze R iver and the cultured popu la tion w as hatche ry- reared o ffspr ing o f w ild caugh t ind iv idua ls from the sam e area. S ix EcoR I and M seI prim er com bina tions produced 47 po lymo rph icma rkers out o f the tota l o f 313 bands am plified from 47 tota l ind iv iduals. The propo rtions of po lym orph ic loc i o f thew ild popu lation and the cu ltured population were 13142% and 8131%, respectiv ely. These Shannon. s inform ation index and average hete rozygosity w ere 01054 and 01 032, 01 341 and 01199, respectiv ely. The resu lts show ed that there was a little differentiation in the g enetic d ive rsity index o f these two populations. Gst va lue and Shannon. s inform ation index indicated that there w as som e genetic differentiation be tw een populations. The UPGMA tree based on AFLP data suppo rted this resu lt. In th is pape r, the results of AFLP analysis ind ica ted tha t two popu lations o f E. bam busa presented low er gene tic dive rs ity. M o reover, som e gene tic d iffe rentiation were showed be tw een two populations, and the cu ltured population w illm aybe form stab le owe gene tic structure by mu lt-i g ene ration a rtific ia l breed ing.


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基金项目: 江苏省科技厅( BG2006337 )、苏州市科技局( SZG0702)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 许 璞, 研究员, 研究方向: 紫菜遗传育种. E-m ail: xupu66@ sin a. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23