 Song Xiangyang,Cheng Mu,Mao Lianshan,et al.Main Factors of Influence for Fermentation of Pentose and Hexose Producing Ethanol[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(01):115-119.





Main Factors of Influence for Fermentation of Pentose and Hexose Producing Ethanol
南京林业大学化学工程学院, 林木遗传与生物技术省部共建教育部重点实验室, 江苏南京210037
Song XiangyangCheng MuMao LianshanYun CaiqinYong QiangYu Shiyuan
College of Chemical Engineering,Nanjing Forestry University,Key Laboratory of Forest Genetic & Biotechnology,Ministry of Education,Nanjing 210037,China
戊糖 发酵 乙醇 影响因素
pentose ferm enta tion ethanol facto rs of in fluence
以树干毕赤酵母为发酵菌株,高混合糖(木糖、葡萄糖)为发酵底物,确定树干毕赤酵母高糖浓度发酵时所需的条件.研究结果表明,在高糖浓度乙醇发酵中,树干毕赤酵母较为适宜的发酵温度为30℃,发酵24h,残糖浓度和乙醇浓度分别为0.1g/L和32.5g/L.添加硫酸铵1.1g/L+微量元素发酵效果较好,乙醇浓度为33.2g/L.由典型发酵过程中各物质浓度变化曲线可知,酵母优先利用葡萄糖,发酵12h葡萄糖和木糖的还原糖利用率分别为89.3%、10.7%.待12h葡萄糖几乎被消耗完后,对木糖的利用开始占主导地位,乙醇浓度随着糖的不断消耗而逐渐提高. 发酵28h时乙醇浓度最高, 达到33.2 g /L.
Fe rm entation o f g lucose-xy lose m ixture to ethano l w as investigated w ith P ichia stip itis. To de finite the conditions o f high sugars concentration ferm entation through changes o f cu ltivation conditions. The resu lts of study show ed that it w as fit fo r 30℃ o f tem pera ture in h igh sugars concentra tion ferm enta tion. And the concentration of le ft sug ars and eth- ano l we re 0. 1 g /L, 32.5 g /L respective ly for ferm enta tion in 24 h. It w as better fo r adding ( NH4 ) 2 SO4 and trace ele m ents in ferm enta tion. The concentration of e thano lw as 33.2 g /L. G luco sew as first used by yeast from typical curve o f ferm entation. The utilization ra tes of glucose and xy lose were 89.3%, 10.7% respec tive ly. Itw asm a in use o f xy losea fter 12 h. The concentration o f ethano l increased w ith less of sugars. The concen tration o f ethano l reached m ax im um in 28 h of ferm entation wh ich w as 33. 2 g /L.


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基金项目: 863 计划( 2008AA05Z401)、江苏高校自然科学重大基础研究( 06KJA22015 )、江苏省高技术研究计划( BG2005327)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 宋向阳, 副教授, 博士, 研究方向: 生物化工. E-m ail:xiangyangsong@ hotm ail.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23