 Feng Shuhua,Sha Run,Liu Chengwen,et al.Construction of Security Pattern in Danxia Landform Scenic Area and Empirical Analysis——A Case Study of Mount Dragon and Tiger[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(01):130-135.





Construction of Security Pattern in Danxia Landform Scenic Area and Empirical Analysis——A Case Study of Mount Dragon and Tiger
冯淑华1 2 沙 润3 刘成文2 王红美2 唐丽萍2
1. 东华理工大学地质资源经济与管理研究中心, 抚州344000
 2. 江西师范大学旅游学院, 江西南昌330022
3. 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Feng Shuhua12Sha Run3Liu Chengwen2Wang Hongmei2Tang Liping2
1.Geological Resources Economy and Management Research Center of East China Institute of Technology,Fuzhou 344000,China
丹霞地貌 安全格局 “景观—生态—旅游”复合空间格局 龙虎山
Danx ia landform security patte rn / landscape-eco log ica-l tourism0 com plex spatial pattern Mount Dragonand T ige r
Danx ia landfo rm scenic area is a relatively frag ile ecolog ica l env ironm ent a rea. The spatia l pattern of susta inable dev elopment in Danx ia landform area rece ives the threaten seriously, as the tourism deve lopm ent and the grow ing phenom enon o f hum an in terference. This artic le propo ses the estab lishm ent o f / landscape- eco log ica-l tour ism0 comp lex spa tia l patterns in Danx ia landform scen ic area from the v iew of integrated geog raph ica l a rea. Through the ana lys is, eva-l uation and space integration of landscape subsystem, ecolog ica l subsystem and tourism subsystem, the secur ity pattern o f scen ic area has been constructed, and the theo ry o f bu ild ing and m ethods have been discussed. Accord ing to the landform landscape character istic, the eva luation m ethod o f landscape sensitiv ity is rev ised, and g eo log ical disasters factor has been integ rated in the eva luation of the vulne rability of ecolog ica l env ironm ent. Then, the paper takesM ount Dragon and T ige r as an exam ple to em pirica l analysis。


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基金项目: 江西省高校重点人文基地招标课题.
通讯联系人: 冯淑华, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 区域旅游经济. E-m ail:fsh39@ 126. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23