 Jin Cheng,Lu Yuqi,Xu Jing.Analysis on the Inbound Tourism Diversity Among Areas in Zhejiang Province Based on Theil Index[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2009,32(02):123-128.





Analysis on the Inbound Tourism Diversity Among Areas in Zhejiang Province Based on Theil Index
南京师范大学地理科学学院, 江苏南京210046
Jin ChengLu YuqiXu Jing
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
差异 The il系数 入境旅游 浙江省
d ispar ity The il index inbound tour ism Zhejiang prov ince
浙江省各市间入境旅游差异逐渐缩小, 变化速度经历了由快变缓再变快的过程, 主要是由于浙江省旅游业全方位开放局面的形成和旅游产品的逐步增多, 再加上旅游业产业地位不断得到提升. 全省各市都普遍重视入境旅游的发展, 入境旅游在全省各市得到相对均衡的发展. 从计算结果来看, 地带间差异大于地带内差异, 地带内差异主要由北部地区内差异构成. 这与杭州为首的北部城市发展较早、持续较长密切相关, 从而奠定浙江省入境旅游区域发展的基本格局. 从演变阶段来看, 1991年~ 1995年: 浙江省入境旅游差异比较高, 但差异呈现由高到低的迅速下降, 内部差异下降速度快于区间差异; 1996年~ 1999年: 浙江省入境旅游差异平稳缩小, 区域内部差异基本不变, 下降的动力主要来源于区间差异的缩小; 2000 年~ 2006年: 浙江省入境旅游区域差异下降速度有所加快, 主要得力于区内差异的快速下降. 入境旅游差异逐渐缩小, 表明浙江省入境旅游业确实起到调整区域经济发展差距, 构建和谐社会的作用.
The dispa rity of inbound tourism in every c ity o f Zhe jiangw as reducing, bu t reduc ing rate becom e slow ly, that w as because tour ism of Zhejiang mo re open ly, tour ism product m ore than be fo re, and the sta tus o f tour ism in industry becom em ore loftily. Every c ity attaches im po rtance to dev elop tourism, so Zhe jiang’ s inbound tour ism becom em ore and m ore un ifo rm. Than we ca lculate The il index, w e d iscove r that d ispar ity o f reg ion b igger than the d ispa rity o f reg iona l in- s ide, and the d ispar ity o f reg ional ins idemostly make up of north reg ion. The reason of thatw as no rth city, such asH an- gzhou, deve lops tourism ea rly, last out long tim e, th is a lso form the structure of inbound tourism. Than w e see the char- ac ter o f disparity evo lvem ent, 1991 year- 1995 year: the d ispar ity o f inbound tour ism was h igh, reduc ing ra tew as a lso h igh, dispa rity of reg iona l inside reduc ing ra te h igher than disparity o f reg ion; 1996 year -1999 y ea r: the reduce o f d is- parity w as reposefu,l change o f reg iona l insidew as very sm a l,l reduce pow erm ostly com e from shrink the disparity of re- g ion; 2000 year -2006 year: the reduce ra te of dispa rity w as acce lera ting, because d ispar ity of reg iona l inside reduce speedily. Reduce o f inbound tourism d ispar ity indicate tha t inbound tour ism m ake effec t in reduce econom ic dispa rity and construct ha rmon ious soc iety.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 70573053)资助项目. 通讯联系人: 靳诚, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 区域经济、区域空间结构及旅游地理学. E-m ail: jin ch eng2431@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23