[1]苗仁德,李延标,白忠,等.BaVS 3化合物电子结构、晶格动力学、热力学研究[J].南京师大学报(自然科学版),2010,33(01):68-72.
 Miao Rende,Li Yanbiao,Bai Zhong,et al.Electronic Structure Lattice Dynamics and Thermodynamic Properties of BaVS3 Compound[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2010,33(01):68-72.

BaVS 3化合物电子结构、晶格动力学、热力学研究()




Electronic Structure Lattice Dynamics and Thermodynamic Properties of BaVS3 Compound
解放军理工大学理学院, 江苏南京211101
Miao RendeLi YanbiaoBai ZhongWang Liang
Institute of Science,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 211101,China
电子结构 晶格动力学和热力学 密度泛函扰动理论 B aVS3
e lectron ic structu re lattice dynam ics and thermodynam ic density- functiona l perturbation theory BaVS3
采用基于第一性原理计算的平面波赝势方法,在局域密度近似下对六角结构的B aVS3电子结构进行计算,接着采用线性响应的密度泛函微扰理论研究了BaVS3化合物的晶格动力学性质以及热力学性质.获得了自力常数、原子间力常数以及定容比热.
The e lectron ic structure of hex agonal pe rovsk ite B aVS3 com pound is stud ied by first-princ ip les calcu lations based on the pseudopo tentia l and plane w ave basis. Then the lattice dynam ics and the rmodynam ica l properties ca lcu la tions have been done w ith the linea r- response approach, and ca lculations of the intera tom ic fo rce constants and spec ific heat are reported.


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基金项目: 解放军理工大学预研基金( 2009 JC02) . 通讯联系人: 苗仁德, 讲师, 研究方向: 凝聚态物理. E-mail:mrd-81@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08