 Jiang Yingxin,Liu Mingjian,Li Bo.Thermal Shock Resistance of Laminated Porous Al2O3/ZrO2[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2010,33(03):51-55.





Thermal Shock Resistance of Laminated Porous Al2O3/ZrO2
姜迎新1 刘铭剑2 李波3
1. 江苏大学物理系, 江苏镇江212013 2. 兰州大学物理系, 甘肃兰州730000 3. 辽宁科技大学材料科学与工程学院, 辽宁鞍山114044
Jiang Yingxin1Liu Mingjian2Li Bo3
1.Department of Physics,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212003,China 2. Department of Physics, Lanzhou Un iversity, Lan zhou 730000, China 3. School of Materials S cience and Eng ineering, U n ivers ity of Science and T echnology ofL iaon ing, An shan 114044
层状多孔氧化铝/氧化锆陶瓷 凝胶注模 热震稳定性
lam inated porous A l2O3 /ZrO2 ceram ics ge lcasting therma l sho ck resistance
采取凝胶注模工艺层层沉积制备梯度氧化铝/氧化锆多孔陶瓷,研究了层状多孔氧化铝/氧化锆陶瓷的抗热震行为.研究结果表明,同单层多孔陶瓷相比,层状多孔陶瓷表现出更加优良的抗热震性能.临界抗热震温差由气孔率为32%的单层结构的300℃上升到层状结构的500℃,且层状结构多孔陶瓷在温差高达1 100℃淬火后剩余强度为30 MPa,而单层陶瓷在温差800℃淬火后仅为20 MPa.
Lam ina ted po rous A l2O3 /ZrO2 ceram ics was successfu lly prepared by ge lcasting using laye r-by- layer techn ique. Therm al shock resistance of these lam inated porous ceram ics w as investigated. The resu lts show that the layered porous ceram ics takes on a h igh therm a l shock resistance compared tom ono lith ic porous ce ram ics though they hav e sim -i lar po rosity. The cr itica l difference tem perature ( ΔTc ) and residua l streng th improve from about 300℃and 20M Pa ( ΔT = 800℃ for mono lithic ceram ics w ith 32% po ros ity to 500℃ and 30MPa ( Δ T = 1 100℃ for layered porous ceramics.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 10972092) . 通讯联系人: 姜迎新, 讲师, 研究方向: 功能陶瓷及薄膜摩擦、摩损研究. E-mai:jiangyx@ujs.edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08