 Shen Qi,Shen Xiaoqing,Wu Guorong.Study on the Anti-lipid Peroxidation of Embedded Chlorogenic Acid in Dandelion[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2010,33(03):81-84.





Study on the Anti-lipid Peroxidation of Embedded Chlorogenic Acid in Dandelion
沈奇1 2 沈小青2 吴国荣2
1. 南京特殊教育职业技术学院, 江苏南京210038 2. 南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏南京210046
Shen Qi12Shen Xiaoqing2Wu Guorong2
1.China Nanjing Technical College of Special Education,Nanjing 210038,China 2. School of L ife S cience, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, N an jing 210046, C h ina
蒲公英 绿原酸 包合 白芨多糖 抗氧化
dande lion ch lo rogenic ac id inc lusion neutra l hete ropo lysacchar ide ofB letilla str ia ta antiox idation
主要比较了绿原酸及其白芨多糖包合物(B-CA)的体外抗氧化作用,分别研究了在化学模拟条件下清除超氧阴离子(O 2.- )、羟自由基(.OH)以及模拟高温促腐败/酸败环境对猪油过氧化值(POV)与酸价(AV)的影响.结果表明,绿原酸及其包合物都能够有效的清除O 2.-. 、OH及在高温环境中可抑制POV以及AV值的增加,并且超过阳性对照物茶多酚的作用.白芨多糖包合物比未包合的绿原酸有更强的抗氧化作用,这可能与包合后的稳定性增加相关.
Em bedded ch lo rogen ic acid in dande lion w ith neutra l heteropo lysacchar ide ofB letilla str ia ta ( BSPS) w as studied in th is paper. In orde r to inv estig ate the d iffe rence of the ant-i lip id perox ide betw een CA and B-CA, the c learing function on supe rox ide an ion( O 2. -) and hydroxy l rad ica l( . OH ) o f CA and B-CA was evalua ted in this pape r. And the inh ibition on POV va lue and AV v alue o f o ilw as stud ied in th is paper too. The result s show ed that CA and B-CA had clearing function on O 2.- and. OH. And they had the inhib ition on POV va lue and AV va lue of o il too. Their function exceeds the function o f CHA wh ich is comm only used as positive control drug. B-CA has a better an tiox idative function than CA wh ich is acco rding to the enhance o f stab ility of inc lusion.


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基金项目: 国家科学技术部科研院所开发研究专项课题( 2002EG163191 )、国家基础科学人才培养基金( J0730650) . 通讯联系人: 吴国荣, 教授, 研究方向: 植物生理生化. E-mail:wswjyynq@ 163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08