 Yan Hailin,Tang Wenwen,Wang Zhiliang,et al.Dye Wastewater Treatment by Flocculation With Mg-salt and Fe-salt[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2010,33(04):72-74.





Dye Wastewater Treatment by Flocculation With Mg-salt and Fe-salt
严海琳1 汤雯雯2 王志良3 张显球2 杜明霞2 贾国正2
1. 南京师范大学学报编辑部, 江苏南京210009 2. 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 江苏南京210042 3. 江苏省环境科学研究院, 江苏南京210036
Yan Hailin1Tang Wenwen2Wang Zhiliang3Zhang Xianqiu2Du Mingxia2Jia Guozheng2
1.Editorial Board of Journal of Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210009,China 2. School of Geography S cien ce, Nan jing Norma lU n iversty, N an jing 210042, China 3. J iangsu Province Acad emy ofEn vironm ental Science, N an jing 210036, China
染料废水 絮凝 M gSO4 FeSO4
dy eing w astew ater floccu lation M gSO4 FeSO4
分别采用镁盐(MgSO 4)、亚铁盐(FeSO 4)以及镁盐—亚铁盐两级絮凝处理活性染料废水.实验结果表明:单独采用镁盐处理时,适宜的投加量为500 mg/L左右,pH为11~12,废水COD去除率达到78%;单独采用亚铁盐处理时,适宜的投加量为400 mg/L左右,pH为9,废水COD去除率达到65%;采用镁盐—亚铁盐两级絮凝,镁盐和亚铁盐适宜的投加量分别为300 mg/L和250 mg/L时,废水COD去除率达到88%左右,出水的pH在9以下,可满足生物处理或排放对pH的要求.这种两级絮凝不仅强化了废水的
The character istics o f dye wastewa ter inc lude be ing h igh in COD concentration, high in co lour ity, d ifficu lt in deg radation, d ifficu lt in bio log ica-l treatm ent. The treatm ent on dye wastewa ter is pa id m uch attention in env irom en tal protection fie ld. In th is paper, three flocculation process, nam ely M gSO4 floccu lation, FeSO4 flocculation, and M g- SO4-FeSO4 two-stage floccu la tion w ere stud ied. The results showed: whenM gSO4 and pH w ere contro lled at 500 mg /L and 11- 12 respectively, COD rem ova l rate was 78%; when FeSO4 and pH w ere contro lled at 400m g /L and 9 respective ly, COD rem ova l ra tew as 65%; and forM gSO4 and FeSO4 two- stage floccu la tion, MgSO4 and FeSO4 was contro lled a t 300 mg /L and 250 mg /L respective ly, COD tota l rem ova l rate was 88%. Therefore, th is tw o-stage floccu lation no t on ly can inc rease COD remova l rate, but a lso can sim plify the who le process, wh ich has good econom ic value.


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基金项目: 江苏省环境工程重点实验室开放基金( KF200906) . 通讯联系人: 张显球, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向: 水污染控制. E-mail:zhangxianqiu@ njnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08