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Image Recognition Based on Improved Deep Neural Network
汤 凯何 庆赵 群王 旭
贵州大学大数据与信息工程学院,贵州省公共大数据重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025
Tang KaiHe QingZhao QunWang Xu
College of Big Data and Information Engineering,Guizhou University,Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Public Big Data,Guiyang 550025,China
image classificaitondeep learningdeep residual networkspatial transformation network
随着大数据时代的发展,深度学习也渐渐变得更加实用,引领人工智能时代的发展. 卷积神经网络在图像领域中发挥着非常重要的作用,是深度学习模型中重要组成部分之一. 图像识别的关键攻破点在于如何提取图像的有效特征,从而有效地解决图像识别问题. 针对这一难点,本文主要在残差网络(ResNet)的基础上引入空间变换网络. 空间变换网络可以有效地提取目标区域特征,提高图像识别效率. 同时由于Softmax分类器提取的特征区分并不明显,甚至存在类内间距大于类间间距弊端. 但在图像识别任务中期望特征不仅可分,而且要求类间分别提取的特征区分差异大. 针对这一问题,本文在软最大值(Softmax)分类器中引入中心损失函数(Center Loss). Center Loss损失函数能够使得提取的特征类间距离大,类内距离小,从而提高提取的特征识别度. 在公开的CIFAR10数据集上,该模型取得了不错的性能,识别准确率达到了89%. 相同实验条件下,相对于未改善的残差网络模型,本文提出的模型在公开的CIFAR10数据集识别正确率提高了6%.
With the development of big data era,deep learning has gradually become more practical,leading the development of the era of artificial intelligence. Convolution neural network plays a very important role in image recognition,and it is one of the important components of deep learning model.The key point of image recognition is how to extract the effective features of the image,so as to effectively solve the problem of image recognition. In view of this difficulty,the main work of this paper is to introduce spatial transformation network on the basis of residual network(ResNet). The spatial transformation network can effectively extract the region of interest and improve the efficiency of image recognition. At the same time for the feature extracted by Softmax classifier is not good. In many cases,the intra-class spacing is even larger than the inter-class spacing,but in the image recognition task,the expected features are not only divisible,and with require great differences. In order to solve this problem,this paper introduces the Center Loss function into the Softmax classifier. Center Loss function can make the distance between the extracted feature classes larger and the intra-class distance smaller,thus improving the recognition degree of the extracted features. In the open CIFAR10 dataset,the model has achieved good performance,and the correct recognition rate is up to 89%. Under the same experimental conditions,compared with the unmodified residual network model,the proposed model improves the recognition accuracy of open CIFAR10 dataset by 6%.


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收稿日期:2019-07-05.基金项目:块数据中多源异构条数据关联识别理论模型研究、贵州省公共大数据重点实验室开放课题(2017BDKFJJ034). 通讯联系人:王旭,博士,副教授,研究方向:大数据应用、人工智能、量子通讯. E-mail:xuwang@gzu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-09-30